Nemesis2Rise Forum Rules

This forum is free, but you must abide by the rules and policies detailed below.  The administrator and moderators of the Nemesis2Rise forum will attempt to keep all objectionable material off this forum.  All messages express the views of the author, and not Nemesis2Rise.  This forum will not be held responsible for the content of any message or for any loss suffered from the use of this site or its services.  Guests and members use this site at their own risk.

Rule 1 - No Flaming This is an intellectual forum, so keep the third grade antics elsewhere.
1.1 You will not post any messages that harass, insult, belittle, or threaten another user.
1.2 You may discuss other members' beliefs but there will be no personal attacks on the members themselves.
1.3 You will not misquote another member regardless of context.
1.4 You will not directly state or otherwise imply that another member is not a Christian.
1.5 You will not imply or directly state that another member is not a "good" or "proper" Christian.
1.6 You will not post anything that disrupts the peace and harmony of this forum.  This includes deliberately reposting a post, thread, image or anything else that has been removed by a staff member.
1.7 You will not post anything that puts down or belittles Christianity.

Rule 2- No Spamming
2.1 You will not post any messages anywhere on this site that are primarily for the promotion or advertising of a business, MLM (Multi Level Marketing or pyramid schemes), activity, church, ministry or other entities that you have an affiliation with.
2.2 You will not request, beg or solicit donations or financial support (charitable or otherwise, for any reason) anywhere on the site.
2.3 You will not mass PM or email multiple members of this website with the same message.

Rule 4 - No Offensive or Illegal Posts, Links, or Images
4.1 You will not post, attach, or send any such posts, links, images or files.

Rule 5 - No Promotion of Other Religions
5.1 You will not post, attach, use or send any posts, links, images or files that promote a religion, belief, faith or doctrine other than Christianity.

Rule 6 - Miscellaneous
6.1 You will not post or use any part of this site or its services if you are 12 years old or younger in compliance with US law (known as COPPA law) until we have received written approval from your parents.
6.2 You will ensure that you keep up to date with the most current version of the Forum Rules. We reserve the right to vary, modify, add, substract or delete any of the Forum Rules or part thereof at any time with or without notice.
6.3 You will be subject to the Forum Rules at all times as users of this forum.
6.4 You will be reminded that this is a private website.  Nemesis2Rise reserves the right to remove, edit, or move any post or thread for any other reason with or without notice.
6.5 You will not hold Nemesis2Rise, its owners, its staff members, or its members, responsible for any losses or damages suffered as a consequence of using this site or its services, or resulting from the actions or inaction of its owners, staff members or members.

The staff of Nemesis2Rise thanks you for your compliance.
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