Earth Science Class Information Natomas High School 2007-2008

Teacher: Erik Nemer     Room: B102    Telephone: (916) 641-4960 ex. 1102     e-mail: [email protected]

Web site:


Course Description: Earth Science is a laboratory science course which meets the California physical science graduation requirement.  We will be learning about geology, meteorology, oceanography, and astronomy.  The course meets all California State Earth Science Content Standards for grades 9-12.


Class Behavior Expectations:

I.                     Respect for Others.     Disrespect WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.

II.                   Respect for Property.

Eating, chewing gum, drinking, writing on desks, lab tables, or any other surface in the classroom that is not yours are all possible ways to damage/destroy property. Damaging/Destroying property (mine, schools, and/or others) WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.

III.                 Allowing Learning.  Disrupting learning/teaching WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.

If you choose to not behave according to my expectations I can choose to do the following: verbal warning, move seat assignment, contact parent, referral to Vice Principal, suspend you from science class.

*All school rules and Education Codes will be followed.  (See Student Handbook for school rules.)



Grade weighting:   35% =Test, Quiz, and other assessments      35% =Classwork      20% =Homework      10% = Academic Responsibility Rubric (participation)  

Grade Scale: 100% - 90% = A   89% - 80% = B   79% - 70% = C   69% - 60% = D   59% - 0 % = F  (NHS Student Study Team process will be followed when appropriate.)


Materials needed for class:  (Your Shopping List)

*Pens/Pencils  *Binder to keep handouts and paper (can be used for other classes)  *Paper

Optional supplies  *Calculator   *Color pens/pencils   *Metric ruler


Office hours/Tutoring time:  Thursday:  After school until 3:30 or later if needed. Other days and times are available by appointment.

A note to the Parents/Guardians,

I want all my students to be successful, and I need your help.  Your student will do better in school if you show that you are interested in what your student is learning.  Please encourage your student to complete all school work and homework.  By the 3rd week of school, check that your student has an Earth Science textbook at home for homework.  Show your interest each week by:

1.        Asking to the see the science notes.  Have your student use the notes to explain what they are learning in class.  We usually take class notes at least once a week, and we always date the notes. 

2.        Ask to see the student’s completed homework Thursday night.  Homework for this class is due on Fridays, and each student gets a paper on Monday with a full description of the homework assignment.  I do not allow students to turn in the homework early, so your student should always be able to show you the weekly homework Thursday night.


Important:  Go to

to see my current homework assignments, course information and other related information.


to keep track of your student’s grades (obtain usernames & passwords from NHS Counseling)


Thanks for your support,


Erik Nemer

Please Return As Soon As Possible

CUT (or fold and tear) ALONG LINE

Student Information                                                                                                                                                                            Period ____________________


Last Name (print) ___________________________________________________First Name (print)______________________________________________________


Address (Street) ______________________________________________________________________   Apartment # ___________  Zip Code __________________ 


Parent/Guardian Name(s) (print) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Home Phone # ____________________________ Parent/Guardian Work Phone ____________________________ Other Phone # ____________________________


Parent e-mail __________________________________________________ Student(or other) e-mail _____________________________________________________


Goals for this class. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




After school activities (e.g. sports, jobs, music, clubs, volunteering, etc.) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Is there anything that I need to know to make you more successful in this class?





I have read and understand the information about the class, and I will support my student’s education.


Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________________________________   


I have read and understand the information about the class and I will do my best and allow others to learn.


Student Signature _________________________________________________________________

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