Dr. Johnson
On ellipses: "What the h*ll do you mean by 'dot dot dot'??"

There are at least infinitely many ways in which you could check this."

"I hope you're familiar with this notation.  If not...I'm going to use it anyway."

"Don't strain yourself right now thinking about it.  Unless you just want to."

"A lot of math proofs come from adding zero because it comes in many forms.  Thats the problem.  Now, if you add the right zero..."

10 minutes after class was supposed to be over.  "I'm running over, but its ok.  I guess I'll start wrapping it up though because I want to give y'all a quiz."

"You have so many subscripts you get dizzy."

"Just because I'm feeling perverse I'll write it this way."

"I don't want to think.  I'll just look it up.  I'm too tired to think.  Do you ever get so tired you'd rather look something up than think?"  
Class stares at him thinking why would you ever want to think when you could look it up.

"I'll be hanging around after class today to answer questions.  You can see me make a fool out of myself trying to do the homework questions."  
Now, how are we supposed to be able to do the homework when our prof can't?

"God gives you an epsilon, you can pick a delta, and out pops an x."

"Thats highly untrivial to prove."

"x got to be equal to y baby!"

"At least once a day you should write down a formal epsilon-delta proof."

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