Rumba II
4 Wall, Intermediate linedance, 72 counts
Dance Notes: Documented by Nelson Wong
I did not choreograph this dance. So, please use it as dance notes. And please send me any corrections or comments to: [email protected], and visit or for linedance information.

Some people may start off this dance with 4,1 Step LF to left side and hold.

2,3,41    RF back rock, recover LF and step RF to right side, hold
2,3,41    LF forward rock, recover RF and step LF to left side, hold
2,3,41    New York to the left (LF turn ¼ left(&), RF rock forward(2) and recover weight on LF(3) & step RF back and turning ¼ right to face front wall)
2,3,41    New York to the right (RF turn ¼ right(&), LF rock forward and recover weight on RF & step LF back and turning ¼ left to face front wall)
2,3,41    RLR – cross, side cross, hold
2,3,41    LRL – side, cross, side, hold
2,3,41    Sway R, sway L, sway R, hold
2,3,41    LRL – cross, side, cross, hold
2,3,41    RLR – side, cross, side, hold
2,3,41    LRL – Rolling vine to the left CCW, (1/4 L, ½ R, ¼ L), hold
2,3,41    RLR - step forward RF ¼ right turn, step forward LF turning ½ CW, step back RF, hold
2,3,41    Forward Rumba Walk – LRL, hold
2,3,41    Forward Rumba Walk – RLR, hold
2,3,41 Forward Rock Back – LRL, hold
2,3,41    Backward Rumba Walk – RLR, hold
2,3,41 Backward Rumba Walk – L,R, step LF to left side, hold
2,3,41    Cross full-turn CCW – Cross RF over LF and making a left full turn, RLR
2,3,41 Cross  full-turn CW – Cross LF over RF and making a left full turn, LRL

Please note the last 2 sections. There is no crossing steps in Rumba. Cross full-turn is to make it easy for linedance friends. The more proper way to do the steps is to break it down into quarter turn, pivot ½ turn and then a forward ¼ turn. This way, there is no crossing of feet.

Also, for better styling, use the “hold” count to shift weight with a bit of hip movement.
CCW – counter clockwise
CW - clockwise


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