ICED TEA(dance notes)
Choreographer: Kim Ho Documented by: Nelson Wong COUNT: 56, 4 WALL

1    Step LF forward while making ¼ right turn
2    Touch RF to LF, snap fingers of left hand
3-4    Step RF to the right, Touch LF to RF, snap fingers of right hand
5-6    Step LF to the left, Touch RF to LF, snap fingers of left hand
7-8    Step RF to the right, Touch LF to RF, snap fingers of right hand

1-4 (start with LF) Side, close, side, hold
5-8 Hip bump – (5) R, (6) R, (7&8) LRL

1-2  Step RF back while making a ¼ left turn, Kick LF forward
3-4  Step LF back, Kick RF forward
5-6  Step RF back and hit right hip with right hand, Hold, hit left hip with left hand
7&8 Hip bump left right left (ending with weight on LF)

1-2  Step RF ¼ turn right, Step LF forward
3-4  Forward RF, Make a ½ turn left and put weight on LF
5-6  Put right toe in front of LF, Put weight on RF
7-8  Put left toe in front of RF, Put weight on LF

1    Put weight on RF while making a ½ turn right
2    Kick LF
3    Step forward LF
4    Forward RF
5    Make a ½ turn left and put weight on LF
6    Forward RF
7    Step LF next to RF
&8 Step RF to side, and LF to side

1    With weight on LF, make ¼ left paddle turn
2    Repeat 1
3    Repeat 1
4    Shift weight on to RF
5&6 Diagonal shuffle forward LRL
7&8 Diagonal shuffle forward RLR

1&2& Rocking chair – LF rock forward and recover, LF rock back and recover
3&4    Forward shuffle LRL
5    Recover weight on to RF
6    Step LF back while making a ¼ turn left
7& Shift weight on to RF and make a full right spin
8    Touch LF next to RF

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