Choreographed by:

Guyton Mundy


Lips Of An Angel by Hinder (Nightclub Rhythm)


48 Count - 2 wall line dance - Intermediate/Advanced level

Please see Nelson’s Note for additional enhanced styling……………….



Side behind cross side with 1/4, walk back X2, 1/2 turn, step pivot, step, cross rock recover 


side step left to left, step together with right, cross left over right 


make a 1/4 turn to the left stepping back on right, 


walk back on left, walk back on right, make a 1/2 turn to the left stepping forward on left 


step forward on right, make a 1/2 turn pivot to the left stepping on left 


cross rock right over left, recover on left take big side step to right with right (9:00)




Side behind, cross at angle, step, sweep around, cross, rock/recover, coaster 


step left behind right, step together with right, step forward on left at an angle to the left (You will be facing 7:30) 


sweep right foot around 3/4 turn to the left, cross right over left. (you will be facing 10:30) <Nelson’s notes: On count 4, raise right arm and put left hand in front of belly to help the ¾ turn, like Waltz II ½ turn. Then extend left arm out forward on count 6 and also extend right arm back to form almost a straight line with both arms>


extend left arm out forward while rocking forward on right foot with left foot slightly extended back, bring left foot in and recover weight on left foot 


step back on right, step together with left, step forward on right 




Full turn triple, step lock with arm extensions, drop, side step, 1/4 turn coaster 


step left, right, left while making a full turn to the right <Nelson’s Note. On the spot, ending with left foot in front> 


step forward on right while extending right arm up (palm out), lock left behind right extending left arm up (palm out) 


turn palms in and collapse down brining hands to chest <Nelson’s Note. Bring hands to hip, especially for man. There’s nothing for you to cover up - hehe>, as you lower transfer weight from right to left foot 


take side step to the right with right, 


step left behind right, step together with right, step forward on left while making a little more than a 1/4 turn to the left (you will be at 6:00) 




1/4 turn walk back, 1/4 turn walk forward, 1 1/4 triple turn, prep 


make a ¼ turn to the left while stepping back right, left, right 


make a 1/4 turn to the left walking forward left, right, left 


make a ¼ turn to the left stepping back on right, make a half turn over left stepping forward on left, make a little more than a ¼ turn over left shoulder stepping back on right 


slide left foot into right, to get your balance for count 1 (facing 10:30) 




Arabesque, 3/4 walk around, sway X2, side 1/4 turn coaster, full chase turn 


With weight on right leg, extend left leg up and back while extending right arm forward <Nelson’s notes: keep left leg relatively straight. While extending right arm forward, extend left arm back to form a straight line with both arms>


bring left leg down and forward as you make a little more than a ¼ turn to the left while stepping forward on left (facing 6:00), make a 1/4 turn to the left while stepping right to right side, make a 1/4 turn to the left stepping left to left side (12:00)


take weight from left and rock onto right, take weight from right and rock onto left (in a swaying motion) take a big step to right with right 


step left behind right, step together with right, step forward on left making a 1/4 turn to the left 


step forward on right, make a 1/2 turn to left stepping forward on left, make a 1/2 turn to left stepping back on right 




back lock back, 1/2 turn, ¼ turn hitch and cross, side back cross, side, sway 


step back on left, lock right across left, step back on left 


make a 1/2 turn to the right stepping forward on right, make a 1/4 turn to the right while hitching left knee up (keep foot close to the inside of right leg) cross left over right 


step right back and to the right, step left back, cross right over left 


rock, left out to left side, recover weight onto right in a swaying motion, restart the dance with the big side step to the left on 1 



Note!!!! There are 2 restarts in the dance 



The first restart is on the 2nd wall. Dance through the 5th set of 8, when you are finishing your sway into your ¼ turn coaster. Make a ¼ turn to the left stepping right next to left and restart the dance on the front wall 





The Second Restart will be on the 5th. This is you front wall. Do the first two 8 counts of the dance. After your sweep around, rock/recover, just bring right foot next to left and restart again on the front wall………….Have fun and put a lot on emotion into this dance!


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