
I am Nelsa A.Barcenilla,

Daugther of Mrs. and Mr.Barcenilla, contact#09462810590. I live in Brgy. Biao Binalbagan Negros Occ.

I was born on february 16.1995, and im the 4rth in the 7 siblings. Im a third year student ,taking of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology at Binalbagan Catholic College.

My goal inlife is to finish my education, and help my family.

my portfolio Family Background

My father is farmer and my mother is a housewife. my father last attended school is elementary and my mother is highschool.My oldest sister finished a vocational program while my 2nd sister finished the elementary and my brother also finished a highschool. next is me, and i have a 2 sister and youngest brother.