Movies? Bah

Movies suck so much ass. Nobody knows how to make them anymore. Whatever happened to awesome movies like Clash Of The Titans or Magical Mystery Tour? It's just a bunch of stupid feel good movies like Finding Nemo that no one likes but all those stupid kids want to see it and their parents just give Disney tons of money because they don't know how to discipline their children by not letting watch shitty movies. And other stupid people see it too. All the shitty people with shitty personalities at my school. They're all in drama and they're always making stupid jokes. I loathe drama. And then there are those Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings movies, where everyone just goes to see it just because it has HOT GUYS in it. And then that GOD DAMNED Amelie! God I hate her. I've never seen any of the movies I just listed but god damn I hate Amelie.

What I'm saying is that I rock. I should be given lots of money to make kick ass movies and help restore America from its personality drain from the last 20 years. Seriously, I'd make the best movies ever. I have this sweet idea for a movie starring the master of ownage himself: Crispin Glover.

Crispin's Angels

Hot damn that rocks. Basically, Crispin's Angels is just two hours of Crispin and Ron Isley going around kicking everyone's ass. It'll have lots of aliens and ninjas and alien ninjas who all get their shit ruined by Glover and Isley. It'll also have guest appearances by everyone who rocks like William H. Macy and Ringo Starr. They'll also, of course, have to find time to make the gigs for their hip 60's pop rock band The Sapphire Infants.

I'd give you more of a plot, but eh...fuck that. I'll just show you some kick ass screen shots I made because they require less talent.

Scene from Crispin's Angels

Scene from Crispin's Angels

Scene from Crispin's Angels

Hmmmm.....and while I'm at it, here's my picture of Purple Haze


And Dragon Billy Corgan

Dum-Dum dee-dee Dee-Dum-Dum

end now

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