You've just jetted in from snow-shaken St Louis to sun-kissed LA to tell us - just how is fame treating you?

It happens really fast and you wake up sometimes, take a look at yourself and say, 'Damn, is this really going on?' It's crazy sometimes, Crazy! For me it was just like boom! 

Apart from heavy-duty jewels, how do you keep your feet firmly on the ground?

Gravity! Nah, it's about where I come from and being around people like my band - St Lunatics - people who are groundeed. But you've gotta want to do that - there's got to be something in you that won't allow you to go over the edge and will help to keep you straight. I watch a lot of Behind the Music (VH1 show) - you know what I', saying'? So I see a lot of people come and go and I've definitely gotta keep focused!

How do you fell about the whole 'save our kids from hip hop hell' press scare?

Hip-hop is a youth movement, period. People can't be sheltered from it. If you have kids, but sit 'em down before you even let 'em listen to it. See if they understand that this is Nelly - this is guy's life. Appreciate the music, but don't try to be him. But kids are definitely the fan base that you want cos they're the ones who buy the albums.

How much have you changed since your school days?

(Laughs.) Oh man, I'm still the same. I was the class clown then and I'm the class clown now! I was voted class clown at my school so I'm just keeping the tradition going! I was always trying to get someone's attention, bust out in a quiet classroom or something - but tastefully done. I wasn't an idiot!

Who makes you giggle?

The Lunatics, man! They all make me laugh. We're just a group full of comedians. I like Eddie Murphy and Adam Sandler. And Jim Carrey - oh man, he is hilarious!

Do you have an plans to follow in their footsteps and to try doing a bit of acting yourself?

Yeah, I just finished up a movie called snipes, which was filmed in Philadelphia. I play a guy called Prolifik, a rapper who gets kidnapped the day before his album is due to be released. I'm interested to see how it comes out cos it's my first time doing it and I don't know how people will perceive me. So I'll see if I have a future in it or not. If I don't, then at least I gave it a shot. It was cool and real different from music. They were surprised at how open I was on set. I don't know what people they usually get! But I'm gonna kick it with everyone - that's just the kind of guy I am.

Phew! That must mean you're working 24-7. Do you find any time to kick back and relax?

Things have changed such a lot that just the simple things are pleasing now. You know, just sitting at home on the bed with your shoes off watching TV all day. That's like a vacation to me! Or I'll play video games, and hooping. Or now and then if I get a chance, I'll go to the gym.

Let's talk money! What have you treated yourself to recently?

(Looks at jewellery.) A little bit of everything! But you don't have much time to spend too much. I just got a new crib and (laughs) I have a couple of automobiles. I bought my mom a house and a car, and my sister and my grandparents each a car - everybody needed wheels! My family are just getting to the point where we're stable. We needed a lot of stuff. We needed the bare necessities, you know? They're so appreciative, to

Do your folks worry about their boy being far from home and up to no good?

They don't worry about me making too many bad decisions any more. I've been to eight different schools and was kicked out of four of them! I did a lot of stuff previously and I've learnt a lot of lessons. So now my parents are like, 'He's cool now and he's got it together.' I've got a child myself so it's my time to show them the right way.

Besides rapping, acting and being a stateside superstar, and hidden talents we don't know about yet?

I can play miniature golf. And it might just shock TOTP to know how good I am at putting! Actually, I might have to try what when I come over - get on a nice course and go a couple of holes. 


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