Mayhem Practice Schedual:
Friday, March 14th- Tri City paintball, this is optional. Leave asap after school if attending.

Sunday, March 16
th- Badlandz (the grand reopening) be at badlandz by 10am, Not many teams (supposidly) will be there, however, we will be practicing 5-man. Also, bring lotsa clothes because it should be muddy!

Sunday, March 23
rd- badlandz, 11am

Sunday March 30
th- badlandz, 11am
Practice Policy
Tardy policies-Team will wait at designated meeting point for 15 minutes, then proceed to fields and getting ready for play, if you are late you are responsible for finding the team and getting ready.

Frequent tardies (2 tardies within a one month period) will result in consequenses. Consequenses may include but will not be excluded to- Loss of position on 5man team, loss of input in major decisions, or suspension/expulsion from team.

Players will be responsible for organizing rides, if you cannot drive yourself, contact another player on the team and have them take you. The majority of our team has access to a car, so make use of that.

Players who have questions/concerns about practices/tournaments/team will be responsible for contacting the captain.

If you are not at practice, or over 3 hours late to practice, you are considered absent. Frequent Absenses will result in consequences such as not playing in an upcomming tournament, loss of ability to play on the 5man, possible suspension/expulsion from the team. Frequent absenses would be defined as 3 within a 2 month period.

You also will be required to notify the captain 1weeks in advance if:

You will be out of town for practice

You will be injured or not capable of playing (this has no time frame of notification)

You will be unable to play for a certain reason [ depending on the reason, an absense might be added to your attendance ]

If you fail to notify the captian 1 week in advance of these things, either a tardy or absense will be added to your attendance.
These policies are new, they arent made to be mean, and quite honestly they aren't. These policies were mainly created in order to relieve stress for me and the entire team. There is a certain amount of responsibility in the hands of all our players, making it to practice on time shouldn't be an issue, and won't if we stay to schedual. These rules and regulations are not final, and will be up for debate/change by team members. Will create final policies by April 1st. 5-man Season officially begins April 10th.
5-man team and positions:
Trevor Page- Mid/Front
Ryan Calacci- Back
Jordan Frank- Front
Player- Back
Player- Front
Backup player- position
Backup player2- position

Remaining spots will be determined by April 10th. Also, there will be a program instated where one person may challenge the position of a player on the roster no later than 2 months before a major tournament, or 1 month before a minor tournament. This challenge will also have many restrictions such as good attendance, commitment level, and playing ability/knowlege. This will also be decided on by EVERY member of the team. There will be a 100% acceptance (of this policy), if one person disagrees with this (policy), it will be either reworked or removed.
Equipment Policy:
      All Players on 5man team must have at least one (1) working marker setup. Marker setup is defined as:
One working marker
One working tank
One working Hopper
Any other addons, such as drop forward, asa, regulator, and more.
     It is highly recomended for each player on the 5man team to have a working and tuned backup marker. Each player must organize a way to have and control one working and tuned backup marker setup when traveling to any NPPL or PSP tournament. There will be no consequence for not having a working marker and backup marker setup; however, it will be very difficult to organize a way for the person without working equipment to play for that day, which could hurt the team. In other words, do what it takes to have working equipment, take your equipment that is questionably working to bad boyz toyz or other local paintball store and have it teched.
5-man commitment
The general belief spoken by most of the team members has been something along the lines of "Best players on the 5-man."

I would tend to agree with this philosophy, but I do see one minor flaw. Commitment. Paintball is not just something we do on sunday to have fun, if that's how you feel about our team, please let me know. This year I plan on allowing for  two seperate groups of Mayhem Players.

1st Group- 5-man, most responsibility, playing for more than just fun.
2nd group- 3 or 5man, lesser responsibility+expectation, playing (practice+tournaments) for fun.

Now, at first all members will want to play for the 1st group. However, I suggest questioning your level of commitment. Ask yourself, "Can I play paintball every sunday? During the summer, can I practice 2-4 days a week?
      Also ask yourself, "Can I afford to play every week? Will my parents allow me to play every week?"
      If you find yourself grounded, remember this- you should not be putting yourself at risk of not being able to preform, as the entire team is directly influenced by your poor judgement/decision. Most of us have experience in scholastic sports, how would a school's starting team work with a quarterback that made it to practice "whenever he could" (which meant no guarentees, he'd be there every other week or worse, basically). Obviously not as good as another school with a solid line of players who consistently met the teams demands (as far as practice dates, financial obligations, and more). If you have questions, please ask me, hopefully I can help. -Trevor
"Why so serious? It's just paintball!"
Great question, why the new policy, why the new rules, why the demanding practice schedule?
         Why? The answer is simple. Paintball to me is more than just a hobby, it's a sport. A sport is a difficult test of confidence, skill, and dedication. Another very important reason for these new policies is responsibility. There are companies that are willing to sacrifice time and money to support our team, and we owe them, at the very least, promotion. The best (and easiest) way to promote is to make yourself visible. Who is going to see their banner, and ask about the product, if we aren't even there to display it?
        Last but not least, progression. We all want to win, and we all want to be known. How many people care to remember the people who played on a rookie 5man team that solely partisipated in Local "ma and pa" tournaments. We are competing on an INTERNATIONAL tournament series, with major corporate support; it's time to step up.
     This is why we are dedicating a portion of our lives to paintball, and this is why I take it so seriously                              ~Trevor
Please read all sections of this page, keep yourself informed!
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