thoughts and whatnot
just musings
equal rights

I was listening to public radio this morning, and they were talking about New Jersey's current bill to allow for gay couples to have the same civil rights as married couples. Apparently, except for Maine, all of the other NE states have either a civil rights ammendment or the recognition of gay marriages.

Why is this such a big deal? Why shouldn't any committed relationship, no matter its participants, have the same rights as a married couple? The rights in question have to do with hospital visitations, power of attorney, spousal benefits, tax laws, etc.

I find it difficult to believe (although I know it is true) that so few states recognize a long-term partner as family. That is just so wrong. A marriage certificate is just a formality.

Loosen up! Live and let live.

2007-04-26 13:57:54 GMT
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