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Election 2000

Town Elections - Related News Articles

Zoning change plan falls short

Sun Correspondent

WILMINGTON -- Turning their backs on further development for downtown, residents on Saturday defeated a proposed zoning change that would have permitted construction of a large retail project on land off Main Street.

The failure of Article 55 was a stinging defeat for Fred F. Cain Inc., owner of the Cain Chrysler auto dealership on Main Street, which sought a change from residential to general business zoning for 2 1/2 acres situated to the rear of a piece of property it owns off Main Street between Kiernan and Dublin avenues.

Together, the two lots would have totaled more than six acres.

The change would have paved the way for Cain to construct one large, square retail building. Observers have noted that such a building would likely accommodate a full-size supermarket like a Stop & Shop or Shop 'n Save.

The Planning Board, citing a lack of information, recommended disapproval of the article, and it failed by a vote of 144-108. A two-thirds majority was required for passage.

"I'm not happy," Cain said following the decision, adding that if he couldn't build a single large building, he would be forced to raise a series of smaller retail outlets on the 3.6 acres remaining to him directly on Main Street.

John Lucci, of Lucci's Supermarket on Lowell Street, was elated at the article's defeat. He had not welcomed the prospect of competition for his 45-year-old market, the town's only grocery store.

"Just watch our ads for a nice turkey dinner at a crazy price," said an exultant Lucci. "We know how to show our gratitude to all the people in town who came out to support us on this issue."

The Cains defended their plan on the grounds that it would improve traffic flow, add landscaping and raise local property values.

But neighbors, including Kiernan Avenue resident Matthew Crossen, weren't convinced. Crossen said he feared just the opposite would result from the Cains' plan.

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