Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2) Subtitles Dump by Nekura_Hoka 8/22/2005 ______________________________________________________________________________ 001. Introduction ----------------- This is a straight dump of the subtitles used in MGS3's various and numerous cutscenes. It is formatted in the same way as it would be displayed in-game. A triple hyphen indicates separation between cutscenes. The scenes are in order with the exception of the Virtuous Mission's HALO jump and The End's boss fight cutscenes which are located just before Eva's Reminiscence. 002. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Subtitles ----------------------------------------------- Listen up, Jack. Your mission is to infiltrate Tselinoyarsk in the Soviet mountains, ensure the safety of Sokolov, and bring him back to the West. If we don't get Sokolov back before that weapon is complete, we'll be facing a major crisis. The clock is ticking. Once we've confirmed the rescue of Sokolov, stand by at the recovery point. A recovery balloon will be dropped at that point. Helium will be pumped into the balloon to inflate it. The process takes about 20 minutes... Once it's complete, the gunship's arm will latch onto the balloon and pull it up. The Fulton Surface-To-Air Recovery System. I'm familiar with the theory. Take it easy. It has been combat-proven. Do you think Sokolov's up to it? The shock will be less than during a parachute jump. And the arm can handle up to 500 pounds. So, you're planning on going over the border in a single Combat Talon? She's equipped with two 6-barrel 20 millimeter Vulcan cannons as well as two 40 millimeter machine guns. Sounds like she could hold her own against a battalion of tanks. Even with the fuel in the reserve tank, we're facing a 4-hour time limit... If all goes well, it shouldn't take more than a few hours. Home in time for dinner. But if anything goes wrong... You'll be eating dinner, breakfast, and all the rest of your meals in the jungle. --- Snake, try to remember some of the basics of CQC... Commencing Virtuous --- Major, I've reached the abandoned factory where Sokolov is supposedly being held. This place is a dump. I can't see Sokolov from here... The security is pretty tight... There are sentries posted around the perimeter... I wonder how many are inside... --- You must be Sokolov. Are you one of Volgin's men!? You'll never get it from me! No, I'm a CIA agent. I've come to escort you back to the other side of the Iron Curtain. You're CIA? Yeah. I was sent by Major Zero, the man who got you out two years ago. Zero... I have a message from him. What is it? He said to tell you "sorry for being so late." Did he now. What does it mean? It means he's a man of his word. But we've got no time for this. You have to get me out of here before they arrive! Who's "they"? Colonel Volgin of GRU. You in the West know him as Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt? ...Never heard of him. --- The intelligence says that they are going to make their move during the test. Then the soldiers outside... Exactly. They wouldn't need that many men just to keep me inside. Their orders were to prevent Colonel Volgin from capturing me. Even if it meant killing me in the process, or so it would seem. Volgin will come. I am sure of it. You must get me out of here before then. Leave it to me. By the way, your Russian is superb. Where did you learn to speak it? From my mentor. Is that so. America is truly a frightening country. Having second thoughts? No, I have no love for this place. Let's go. --- Freeze! So this is the legendary Boss? We meet at last.'re from the Ocelot unit of Spetsnaz! What's a GRU soldier doing here? Soldier? He's the Ocelot commander! That's Major Ocelot to you. And don't you forget it! Sokolov is ours. Now get out of here. An ocelot never lets his prey escape. What!? --- I can't say it feels good to kill a comrade, even if it is for the GRU. Sokolov, take cover! Hmm...'re not The Boss, are you? GRU operatives... What is that stance? That gun? If you're not The Boss, then die! Major! Leave him. Shoot the other one! Impossible... You ejected the first bullet by hand, didn't you? I see what you were trying to do. But testing a technique you've only heard about in the middle of battle wasn't very smart. You were asking to have your gun jam on you. Besides, I don't think you're cut out for an automatic in the first place. You tend to twist your elbow to absorb the recoil. That's more of a revolver technique. You filthy American dog! But that was some fancy shooting...'re pretty good. Pretty good... --- You OK? Those men were from the Ocelot unit. Spetsnaz? Yes. The best GRU has to offer. They're coming for me. I'm finished! Calm down. I'll get you out of here, I promise. And we've got some of the best backup we could ask for. Look! That's what they were making you build? Yes. The Shagohod - "The Treading Behemoth" - a tank capable of launching nuclear IRBMs. It can launch nuclear missiles from that kind of terrain? Oh yes. And without support from friendly units. A nuclear-equipped tank capable of operating solo... Is that thing finished? No, this is only the end of Phase 1. It won't be truly finished until we complete Phase 2. Phase 2? The weapon's true form. If it is completed and the colonel gets his hands on it, it will mean the end of the Cold War. The end of the Cold War? Yes. And then the age of fear will truly begin... A world war? I had no choice but to cooperate! I didn't want to die. I wanted to see my wife and child again in America... Please, take me to America, quickly. They cannot complete it without my help! Got it. Let's go! --- My friends, let us fight together again! I have waited long for this day. We will fight with you once more. Welcome back, Boss. Now that all five of us are together, it's time we go to the depths of hell itself... It's raining blood... he crying? Kuwabara, Kuwabara... Ah, what a joyful scene. Colonel Volgin... Welcome to my country... ...and to my unit. Boss? What is this? I'm defecting to the Soviet Union. Sokolov is a little gift for my new hosts. Recoilless nuclear warheads... ...these will make a fine gift for me... This can't be happening! Who is he? Another one of your disciples? Are we taking him with us? No, this one is still just a child. Too pure for us Cobras. He has not yet found an emotion to carry into battle. What are you talking about!? Think you can pull the trigger? He's seen my face. We can't let him live. If Khrushchev finds out about this, we're finished. He must die. --- Wait. He's my apprentice. I'll take care of him. Jack, you can't come with us. The new blood has been rejected... Are we done here? Now, on to Sokolov's research facility. Shagohod is ours! Drift away. My place is with them now. --- Excellent. A great success. Thanks to The Boss and her Cobras, I have both Sokolov and the Shagohod. What are we going to do with the girl? Who is she? Apparently she's Sokolov's woman. She's a nice catch. I'll take her. Not so fast, my dear. A Kiss of Death? ...Are you KGB? We may be able to use her. She has spunk. Shall we take her back to the base? Perhaps we should. We have no further use for Sokolov's research facility. I think it's time I gave this marvelous new toy a try. Colonel! Even if they are our enemies, they're still our countrymen! But it won't be me that pulled the trigger. It will be our friend the American defector. You're going to nuke your fellow Russians!? Remember the Alamo. Colonel!!! --- Currently flying over the Arctic Ocean. Altitude 30,000 feet. Approaching Soviet airspace. Arriving at the designated drone launch point. Drone oil pressure and voltage are nominal. Payload oxygen supply is nominal. Power supply to payload antifreeze system shows no problems. No gusts. All systems go for drone detachment. Snake, we can't risk a HALO jump this time around. Airspace Security has gotten tighter since we were last here. We can't get as close to the ground as we did during the Virtuous mission. So instead we'll be using one of our newest weapons... Snake, you're being given an honor on par with Alan Shepard. This is our last chance. Show your patriotism. If you fail, you'll be back in a hospital bed again, waiting for the firing squad. --- Are the Russians going to be helping us? The KGB has promised to lend us one of their communications satellites so that you and I can talk to each other. That's it? They've also put us in touch with a couple of insiders. Insiders? There was a defection in September 1960... you remember it? You mean the two NSA code breakers who went over to the Soviet Union? Precisely. Since then, they've apparently been training with the KGB for exactly this kind of situation. Their code names are ADAM and EVA... I've been told that ADAM has infiltrated Volgin's ranks. We've also arranged for him to provide you with an escape route. You'll need to rendezvous with him when you get there. Control, unidentified aircraft detected. Altitude, 30,000 feet. It's fast! Estimated air speed, exceeding Mach 3. Bearing south...I'm about to lose it. --- Looks like death wasn't ready for you yet. Boss? That arm still hurt? What are you doing here? Go home! Go home! GRU and my sons are waiting up ahead. You don't have a prayer of finishing your mission -- you're not even armed. Boss!! I'm not your boss anymore. There's nothing for you here. Go home. Go back to your boss. There's no need to prove that you are virtuous here. This isn't America. That should stir things up a bit. You'd better hurry. The border is 60 miles south of here. You ought to be able to run that far. Why'd you defect? I didn't. I'm the "end". To my purpose. What about you, Jack? What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs? Your duty to your unit? Or your personal feelings? You don't know the truth yet. But sooner or later you'll have to choose. I don't expect you to forgive me. But you can't defeat me, either. You know me too well. Just look at that bandanna. If you can't put the past behind you, you won't survive long. If we meet again, I'll kill you. Now, go home! --- Sorry I'm late. Cut the engine. They'll hear us. Are you the agent they sent? Are you ADAM? I thought you were supposed to be a man. ADAM couldn't make it. All right, say the password. Who are the Patriots? Who are the Patriots? Answer me. ! Trapped? Get down! There... your answer. The name's EVA. --- This wasn't part of the plan. What happened to ADAM? What's your code name? It's...Snake. Snake, huh? Well, I'm EVA... ...are you here to tempt me? What happened to ADAM? Colonel Volgin is a very suspicious man. He decided ADAM wasn't the right person for this mission. And you were? --- Yes. Why? Because I can do things he can't. I heard you used to be a code breaker for the NSA. I was. 4 years ago, I defected to the Soviet Union with ADAM. Mauser Military... ...the "Broomhandle". It packs quite a punch. Nice to have when you're on a bike. You held it sideways and used the muzzle jump to create a horizontal sweep - that was impressive. Bet you've never seen that technique in the West. It's imitation, isn't it? Yeah, it's a Chinese Type 17 pistol. Around here, even that's hard to come by. Don't worry, though. The one I've got for you is American made. .45, huh. Incredible... Do you like it? The feeding ramp is polished to a mirror sheen... The slide's been reinforced. And the interlock with the frame is tightened for added precision. The sight system is original, too. The thumb safety is extended to make it easier on the finger... A long-type trigger with non-slip grooves... A ring hammer... The base of the trigger guard's been filed down for a higher grip. And not only that, --- nearly every part of this gun has been expertly crafted and customized. Where'd you get something like this? I grabbed it from a Western munitions armory. It probably used to belong to one of your officers, and there are more where that came from. You had this with you, didn't you? Better take this, too. What's that? A disguise to make you look like a scientist. A disguise? Yes. You're here to rescue Sokolov, right? ...Sokolov's still safe, then. Yes. He's being forced to continue his work on the Shagohod. Where? At the lab. They've got a whole army of scientists there developing new weapons. Security is tight, but if you disguise yourself as a scientist, you might be able to sneak in. Can we get Sokolov out of there? We'll see, won't we. Tell me how to get to the lab. The safest way in is from the rear. First, you'll need to head north through the jungle. You'll come to a heliport used for shipping materials. Pass the heliport and continue north, and there will be a large crevice. Descend into that area and you'll reach a cave. Move through the cave and you will arrive at a mangrove swamp. After the swamp, there'll be a warehouse. Make your way through the warehouse, and you'll come out just south of the lab. Got it. And just what are you doing there? In close-range combat, a knife can sometimes be more useful than a gun. By doing this, I'll be able to hold a knife at the same time --- and still keep the gun steady. That way, I can instantly switch between a gun battle and a knife fight. Right. Let's get going... Wait a minute! What now? You must be tired. Why don't you take a little rest? I'll be fine. You'll never make it in your condition. It's a jungle out there. There's still an hour before dawn. It's dangerous to be out in the jungle at night without a guide. What about you? I have to get back. I can't be gone for too long. They'll start to suspect something. Don't worry. I'll keep you updated over the radio. That's it? My orders are to provide you with information. Nothing more. You look disappointed. All right, then. I'll do something special for you. I'll stand watch until dawn. Now be a good boy and lie down. What's the matter? I don't know you well enough to trust you. How well do you have to know me to trust me? I don't know if I can trust anybody. Gonna get that? --- What's the matter? We're surrounded.... I see...4 of them... We've got company! It's the Ocelot unit! Let's get out of here! Hurry! Don't forget your gear! Here, give me a hand. We can use this to get to the basement. Dammit! ...Ocelot! I'll get past them on my bike. I'll call you later! OK. I'll keep them busy. ! Don't go dying on me now. --- I've been waiting for this moment... That's it! That's the stance! I don't think so! Wha...? A female spy? This bitch is wearing perfume. Stay where you are! I've had enough of your judo! I see you've got yourself a single action army. That's right. There'll be no accidents this time. You call that an accident? Well...It wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been showing off. What did you say!? It's a nice gun, I'll give you that. But the engraving gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever. Unless you were planning to auction it off as a collector's item. And you're forgetting one more very basic thing.. ? You don't have what it takes to kill me. We'll see!! ! 6 shots. ? That thing only carries 6 shots. The Makarov carries 8. You have to get a feel for how many you have left. This is a high-class weapon. It's not meant for shooting people. Damn! This isn't over yet! Don't! Why? He's still young. You'll regret stopping me. Dammit! I've got to get back before he does. --- Ah, you're here at last. Looks like The Boss' info was right. Twice now you've made me taste bitter defeat. I hate to disappoint the Cobras, but you're mine now. All of you, leave us! It's just you and me. No one to get in our way. Ocelots are proud creatures. They prefer to hunt alone. 12 shots... This time, I've got 12 shots. Okay... Draw! --- I've caught you at last. We are the sons of The Boss. ...I am The Pain... I will guide you to a world of anguish beyond your imagination... Let's get started! --- The pain... ...the pain... ...the pain! --- Get your hands off me! I'm not going anywhere! Really now. How many times must I tell you? Tanya! Each time you resist, your lover will suffer the consequences. Is that clear? Volgin...!! Damn you! Hold it right there, traitor. Let's find out just how lucky you are. Watch closely! One of these three guns has a single bullet in it. I'm going to pull the trigger six times in a row. Are you ready? Looks like your luck hasn't run out yet... There's no such thing as luck on the battlefield. You'd better stay in line from now on. The Cobras will take care of him. Has the CIA dog been disposed of yet? ...The Pain is dead. What!? He may be a child, but he's definitely one of yours! I fear Khrushchev may have a hand in this. We have no time to lose. You must eliminate him before the final test. Don't worry. They'll be able to handle it. I'm leaving him to you, The Fear. The old man is always sleeping. Is he all right? The End is saving what life he has left in him for battle. Normally, he's dead. But he'll wake up when the time is right. And when he does... it will be The End for the boy. Sokolov isn't worth your love. --- You can entertain me until the rain stops. Kuwabara...Kuwabara... The Sorrow? Is that you? --- If you're looking for Sokolov, he's not here anymore. ! Put that thing away. You'll spoil my drink. So, you're the intruder everyone's talking about. Typical capitalist dog - no manners. And who are you? You mean you've never heard of me? And you call yourself an agent. Very well, then. I am Aleksandr Leonovitch Granin. A man of some importance, if I do say so myself. I am the foremost weapons scientist in the Soviet Union, and the head of the glorious Granin Design Bureau. This is the Order of Lenin. It is an honor of the greatest magnitude, given along with the title of "hero of socialism" to only the finest workers. It was awarded to me in recognition of my brilliant contributions to society. Since the Great Patriotic War, I have created countless weapons in the service of our great communist society. It was thanks to me that we were able to stamp out the Nazi scum. It was I who created the basic design for the mobile ballistic missile system you know and fear as SS-1C. You're crocked, aren't you? I am merely drowning my sorrow. Because of him, I've got nothing to do but sit here and drink this crap. Him? Sokolov! It's him you're looking for, isn't it? Because of him, I have been stripped of my authority. My research has come to nothing. Look! It is a revolutionary mobile nuclear missile system... a bipedal tank... A bipedal tank? --- Yes, a walking tank - a robot! Are you familiar with the theory of the missing link between apes and humans? Well, this technology will be the missing link between infantry and artillery. A kind of metal gear, if you will. And this magnificent metal gear will mark a revolutionary step forward in weapons development! Metal Gear... But I won't be used so easily. No, no crying myself to sleep. For you see, I'm going to send these documents to my friend in the United States. What!? These bastards will live to regret this. And when they themselves become the targets of my creation, they will know my true greatness! Yes, Sokolov's pathetic Shagohod pales in comparison to my work! What are you going to do with a rocket engine on a tank? About Sokolov... A tank does not need a rocket! It needs something else... Look at these! Nice shoes... No! Legs!! Legs that allow it to go anywhere!! Just as when humans learned to walk upright! THAT is the real revolution in weaponry! Don't you agree!? But the fools in charge chose Sokolov. And where is Sokolov? My project has been terminated The Philosophers' Legacy has been handed over to him. What the hell are you talking about? --- Hey! ...You're not thinking of going to Groznyj Grad? Are you mad? It's an impenetrable fortress! I'm sure it is. You'll be killed! I'll take my chances. Wait! What? Listen to me, you fool! I want to help you! Help me? To thank you for your compliment. What compliment? My shoes. Tatyana gave them to me. I wanted to thank you for complimenting me on them. I'll tell you how to get into the fortress. ...In return, I ask only that you get that idiot out of there and destroy the Shagohod. There is an underground tunnel that runs around the perimeter of the fortress. You should be able to use it to sneak into the base. Head for the mountains. The entrance to the tunnel is located there. Take this. --- You passed through a warehouse on your way here, didn't you? Yeah. There should have been a locked door inside of it. Do you remember it? ... This key... ...will open that door. Beyond that door lies a vast jungle. You can climb up into the mountains from the far end of the jungle. Go back to the warehouse. Use the key to open the locked door and head for the mountains. Got it? --- Why are you helping me? Unlike Sokolov, the thought of defecting has never once crossed my mind. I love... country. I love this land. I cannot even imagine living anywhere else. I wish to remain a hero... ...of the great motherland. I cannot bear the thought of being hounded into a corner and left to waste away... It is already dawn. You must hurry. I will remain here and nurse my troubles for a little longer. To capitalism! --- I am The Fear... That bolt is coated in the venom of the Brazilian Wandering Spider. Soon a most exquisite pain will engulf your entire body. Your limbs will be paralyzed, your lungs cease to draw breath, eventually your heart will stop beating. Ah, but what fun would that be? Not a fitting death at all. The Boss' apprentice... I will give you fear such as you've never experienced before. Come into my web. It is time... ...for you to feel the fear! --- The fear! The fear!! I see it!! The fear! --- Spirits of the forest...I thank you. The Boss... would be proud of you... The time has come...for a younger generation to rise... I've been wandering for more than a century, and now my journey comes to a close. What a splendid way... to end it all... I have no regrets. I can return to the forest at last... --- Well, that was quick. You look like you could use some rest. I'll be fine. It's just that playing these two roles hasn't left me much time to sleep. Where'd you get those cuts? The colonel... He found out!? If he knew, I'd be dead already... No, this is his "hobby". He's a sadist. He gets pleasure out of making people suffer. He's scum... Does it look that strange to you? No, I'm the same way...scars all over. Can I see? No. Where'd you get this one? I got it after defecting to the Soviet Union. I don't think so. It's older than that. Code breaking is a desk job. Where'd you get this kind of scar? You really want to know? ... Well, too bad. ... A girl's got to have some secrets, you know. But enough about that. You've got to get going. The Phase 2 trial of the Shagohod is about to start. And it looks like someone might be coming to spoil the party. Khrushchev? His forces are on their way here. The colonel is gathering his troops together to meet them. If we don't get a move on, the security will be even tighter than it is now... You'll need this key. It unlocks the door to the underground tunnel. Once you're in there, you can follow the tunnel to get inside Groznyj Grad. Better take these, too. They should come in handy. And take this, too. What is it? The food of the future. --- A well-balanced meal for the space age. It's good to eat some real food once in a while. I'll bet if I kissed you, you'd taste like a wild beast. --- Well, that was quick. You look like you could use some rest. I'll be fine. It's just that playing these two roles hasn't left me much time to sleep. Where'd you get those cuts? The colonel... He found out!? If he knew, I'd be dead already... No, this is his "hobby". He's a sadist. He gets pleasure out of making people suffer. He's scum... Does it look that strange to you? No, I'm the same way...scars all over. Can I see? No. Where'd you get this one? I got it after defecting to the Soviet Union. I don't think so. It's older than that. Code breaking is a desk job. Where'd you get this kind of scar? You really want to know? ... Well, too bad. ... A girl's got to have some secrets, you know. But enough about that. You've got to get going. The Phase 2 trial of the Shagohod is about to start. And it looks like someone might be coming to spoil the party. Khrushchev? His forces are on their way here. The colonel is gathering his troops together to meet them. If we don't get a move on, the security will be even tighter than it is now... You'll need this key. It unlocks the door to the underground tunnel. Once you're in there, you can follow the tunnel to get inside Groznyj Grad. And take this, too. What is it? The food of the future. A well-balanced meal for the space age. It's good to eat some real food once in a while. --- Steal his clothes! You look similar from behind, so they won't know the difference. Your face might be a problem, so you'll just have to figure something out. He should be somewhere in the east wing. --- Do you know where exactly in Groznyj Grad Sokolov is located? He's in the heart of the fortress, the weapons lab. The weapons lab is divided into three wings. There's the east wing, which houses the research facilities. Then there's the main wing, where the weapons are assembled. That's where the Shagohod is. Finally, there's the west wing, which is connected via a passageway to the main building. That's where Sokolov is. To get in, you'll have to enter the main wing from the east wing. Then, go through the passageway on the second floor of the main wing... The west wing of the weapons lab. Got it. There's just one problem. Not again... The west wing is protected by the highest level of security. You need to be colonel class to get in. Colonel class? Here, look at this picture. Major Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov. Pretend you're him. How do I do that? --- All right. But how am I supposed to escape once I get Sokolov out of there? Command said you're supposed to have something ready for me. And I do. There's a lake 30 miles north of here. I hid a WIG there. A WIG? It's a state-of-the-art ground effect vehicle. A ground effect vehicle? I can't fly one of those! That's okay. I happen to be an excellent pilot. Taking off from a lake is trickier than it looks. It's not like riding a motorcycle. You've got to be more delicate... Of course I will. You've seen how good I am with the bike, right? ... Right... You handle the escape, then. I'll head for Groznyj Grad. Wait a minute. There's something I wanted to ask you. What? What's the story between you and The Boss? She was like a mother...and my master. And your lover? ...It went deeper than that. Deeper? Half of me belongs to The Boss. Do you love her? No, nothing like that. Do you hate her? Does it have to be one or the other - love or hate? Between a man and a woman? You bet. For ten years, we lived and died together. You couldn't possibly understand. And you think you can kill her now? That's your mission, isn't it? Assassinating The Boss. Snake, is there anyone you like? Someone special? I've never been interested in other people's lives... You were interested in The Boss. --- She was different. Really. How do you feel about me? I should be asking you the same question. Me? I can fall in love - if it's part of the mission. Even with you... Snake? What's wrong? --- See you 'round, Snake. Take care of yourself. What about you? I've got to hurry back and play my...other part. Are you going to be OK? Not sure... they're not stupid, and they know there's a spy. There's no way you could have gotten this far all by yourself. --- Colonel, did he talk? No, he died before I could get it out of him. He wasn't the spy, then? Look at this. A transmitter? Exactly. Planted to keep someone informed of his location. But... ...does this mean Granin was the spy? Perhaps he was being used by someone else. Perhaps? This man was our comrade! Comrade or not, he is of no use to us now. I don't approve of your methods! I don't need your approval. I'm in command here. ...and that nuclear shell... Still feeling sore about that, are you? What are you gonna do, report it to the authorities? This is war, Major. A Cold War, fought with information and espionage. We must root out spies wherever they hide. It is kill or be killed. Potential threats must be weeded out. Your feelings are a menace to the unity of our organization. Someone is guiding the enemy's hand. A single man can only accomplish so much. Make no mistake, there is a spy among us. But casting suspicion on our own comrades... The C3 explosives have been stolen. You think it was the American? No, he could not have reached this fortress yet. Then who? I'd be careful about suspecting your own men. Boss? Where have you been? The Fear and The End have fallen. Damn it! CIA dog! That leaves only The Fury... How can the legendary Cobras be beaten so easily...? --- He's good... Fallen for him? Don't worry. I'll take care of him. What is he after? It must be more than just Sokolov. America is out to destroy the Shagohod and get its hands on your inheritance... ...the Philosophers' Legacy. Impossible! The And they're out to kill me as well... Colonel, tighten the security on this place. He's coming here -- I'm sure of it! I'm going to get the Davy Crockett! Mm? Perfume? Hmm... Nice boots. Make sure you polish them up properly. --- I am The Fury! The flames of my rage will incinerate you! I came back from space. As I returned, I had one vision - the world set ablaze. And do you know what I saw there? Fury. A great and terrible fury at being alive. Now -- you're going to feel the scorching heat of that horrible blackness! --- I am The Fury! The flames of my rage will incinerate you! I came back from space. As I returned, I had one vision - the world set ablaze. And do you know what I saw there? Fury. A great and terrible fury at being alive. Now -- you're going to feel the scorching heat of that horrible blackness! --- I am The Fury! The flames of my rage will incinerate you! I came back from space. As I returned, I had one vision - the world set ablaze. And do you know what I saw there? Fury. A great and terrible fury at being alive. Now -- you're going to feel the scorching heat of that horrible blackness! --- I am The Fury! The flames of my rage will incinerate you! I came back from space. As I returned, I had one vision - the world set ablaze. And do you know what I saw there? Fury. A great and terrible fury at being alive. Now -- you're going to feel the scorching heat of that horrible blackness! --- Boss... ...this is the end of the Cobras... You've got to live on...'re the only one left... I'm off... join The Sorrow... Behold the flames of fury! The fires of Hell will purge me clean! I can see it! Mission control, do you read me? I'm coming home!! I see the earth... --- The Main Wing Hangar, huh. --- The Main Wing Hangar, huh. --- Here it is. You can count on me. What about the Philosophers' Legacy? I don't know anything about that... What are you...! Are you trying to kill me? What's the matter? I know nothing. I swear it! No one but the colonel knows of the Legacy! I see... No, don't...! Who's there!? You're the man from the CIA... What are you doing here? I told you before, didn't I? I'm going to get you out of here. Hmph... ...a man of honor, just like your commander... But I'm afraid you're too late. Too late? Don't tell me...the Shagohod's...? Exactly. The final preparations for Phase 2 are complete. ...Sokolov, what exactly is Phase 2? To put it in technical terms, it's a composite range extension system for medium-range ballistic missiles. --- The Shagohod was originally designed as a tank that could launch nuclear missiles from any type of terrain. There was just one problem we couldn't figure out how to solve... The ICBMs we have today are simply too big for the Shagohod to carry. But the military would not hear of it. They demanded a weapon that could launch a nuclear missile directly into the American homeland. That is when I came up with the idea for Phase 2. But there's no way you could load an ICBM onto the Shagohod. So how'd you do it? By accelerating the Shagohod itself. Accelerating it? In Phase 2, a rocket booster unit is attached to the frame of the Shagohod. The unit incorporates the same technology used in the Vostok rocket that sent Major Gagarin into space. Using this booster, the Shagohod can achieve a land speed of over 300 miles per hour. That monster can go more than 300 miles per hour...? Yes. And from this state of accelerated motion, it launches a nuclear missile. So the Shagohod acts like the first stage of a rocket. Yes, precisely. The range of the missile launched by the Shagohod thus increases from 2500 miles to 6000 miles. 6000 miles.. ...that's enough to strike anywhere in the United States... Not only that, with the Shagohod, there is no need to construct giant silos like the ones used to house ICBMs. All you need is a runway about 3 miles in length, or its equivalent, and you can launch a thermonuclear strike --- against any location in the United States from anywhere in the Soviet Union. It cannot be detected by spy planes or satellites. It's a mobile fortress, capable of deploying in secret and launching its payload at any time... A weapon from hell... --- A completed prototype now sits in the hangar. At present, it is the only one of its kind. But Volgin is planning to mass-produce them based on that prototype. And deploy them all over the Soviet Union? Yes. And that's not the end of it. He's going to ship them to Eastern Europe, to Asia... to all the countries of the Eastern bloc. Even worse, he intends to use the Shagohod as bait to foment armed uprisings among dictators, ethnic insurgents, and revolutionary groups throughout the Third World. His funds are nearly limitless. He could start mass production tomorrow if he wanted. The reason that tensions between East and West have settled into a Cold War is because each side fears the other's power. "Deterrence" - the idea of using threats to keep one's enemy in check - is the perfect word to sum up this state of affairs. But the Shagohod goes far beyond the level of "threat". It will render the concept of "deterrence" utterly meaningless. If such a weapon is unleashed on the world, it will not be long before all nations are engulfed in conflict. The Cold War will end, and the entire planet will be consumed by the fires of war. Volgin and the Shagohod will be at the center of it all. --- So you see, it is already too late. No. It's not too late. What do you mean? We've still got a chance. All we have to do is destroy the prototype and the whole facility before they can mass-produce it. But... Just tell me what I need to do to destroy this place. ...All right... The liquid fuel used in the rocket engine is stored in a tank. If you can blow it up somehow... Some C3 ought to be enough to blow the entire hangar to smithereens. C3? ...You mean that cutting-edge plastic explosive? It can be molded into any shape. The bomb of the future. Where can I get it? There was some in the armory here, but it's gone now. --- It was stolen by a female spy who was here a minute ago. EVA? No, that's not her name. Her name is Tatyana. She made her way in here by becoming Volgin's lover. I thought she was your lover. Mine? Oh, no. She is Volgin's lover. This is my lover... Who are they? My wife and daughter. They're in America. Now I remember. Your family is in the custody of the CIA. How long has Tatyana been here? Only a few weeks. A few days before the Virtuous Mission, then. She said that Khrushchev sent her. What did you just give her? All of the experimental data for the Shagohod. Please, it is essential that you destroy the Shagohod. I will. But first I've got to get you to safety. ...No. I'm not going. --- My mission is to rescue you! Leave me. Sokolov! Khrushchev has abandoned me. I cannot return to my country. I would most certainly be sent to the gulags. What about the U.S.? Yes, I once thought of that. My family is waiting for me there. But even if I fled to the United States... I would once again find myself creating weapons of mass murder. In the end it doesn't matter where I go... I am still a weapons scientist. To be honest with you, I am tired... Every day, I help create things that should never be used - things that should never have existed in the first place. Every day, without sleep... Without a word of praise from others. And my creations do not even benefit mankind. They are merely the tools of politicians. --- Major, what are you doing here? I've been waiting for you in my room! Who are you!? Don't play dumb with me. If you think you can fool me, you are sorely mistaken. I know the major better than anyone else... I come here looking for Tatyana, and what should I find... ...but a greasy freebooter! What is this fairy disguise? It's gonna rub off on you. And then you'll lose sight of who you really are! Stay out of this! I see why they call you The Boss... What was that, some kind of judo? No, it's called CQC...a basic form of close-quarters combat. He and I developed it together. Splendid! ...I will take it from here. Are you going to kill him? Of course. But first... I will make him pay for hurting Ivan! --- Here is where the fun really begins! My body carries an electric charge of 10 million volts. Let's see how you like this! Now, answer me! How much does the CIA know? They're after my Legacy, aren't they!? Your real target is the Philosophers' Legacy, isn't it!? Yes, yes! Let yourself go! That is what I want to see! It's no use. He's not going to talk. He's been trained not to break. Trained by me. Admit it! You're after the location of the Legacy! The secret fund established by the three Great Powers during the two World Wars! That's what you're looking for, isn't it!? One hundred billion dollars, divided up and hidden all over the world! And you're looking for a record of where all that money is hidden, right!? No matter. The Philosophers' Legacy is safely in my possession, in the underground vault of Groznyj Grad. You will never lay a finger on it! What's this? A transmitter... Who is responsible for this? I am... I planted it on him to keep track of his movements. Why? So the Cobras could ambush him. If they knew where he was going to be, they wouldn't have gotten themselves slaughtered. It pains me to do this, Boss, but under the circumstances... I'm afraid I must ask you to show me some proof that you and he were not in collusion. You don't trust me, is that it? Not that... But he is your apprentice. What do you want me to do? --- Let's see... ...cut out his eyes! I don't like those blue eyes of his. There is nothing more important to a soldier than his eyes. You made him a soldier ...and now you will unmake him. will make for a touching display. He's all yours. Do it! Ruin him, just as he did the Cobras! Stop! What is it, Tanya? He's suffered enough! Well, well... Why are you protecting him? That smell... Tatyana! You're the spy! What are you talking about? I know that smell... Stop it! Taken a fancy to her, eh, Ocelot? No, I have no interest in this woman. I want to test her. I'll let this be the judge. Do as you like. Here we go! There. Satisfied now? Well, that was refreshing. Come...we're going to my room! So you survived the colonel's torture, eh? Watching this has made me realize something...'s really not that bad. --- It's the ultimate form of expression. You got lucky this time, Tatyana. Run! I've prepared an escape route for us. Go out and head west. Pass underneath the connecting passageway and go north. You'll find an open manhole there. You're... Quiet. Go through the manhole down into the sewers. The door at the north end of the sewers is unlocked - you can use it to get outside the fortress. I've got your equipment. We'll meet up later. --- But I can't get too close to your cell. You'll have to figure a way out of there yourself... I'll be in touch. --- Hey, you're not such a bad guy after all. I...I guess not all Americans are dogs. You mean it? Yeah. You know, before the war started I used to live in America. I even had a wife and a kid... You must be pretty lonely. Yeah, I am pretty lonely...REALLY lonely. What's your kid's name? Johnny. Johnny...nice ring to it. Really? You like it? ...Well, if you say so, I'll believe you. Actually, my name is Johnny, too. All the first-born sons in my family are called Johnny. My dad's a Johnny, and my son's son will probably be a Johnny, too. A whole clan of Johnnies. Why do we have a Cold War, anyway... ...our two countries used to be such good friends. Yeah, I hear ya. I just want to see my family again... Must be rough. Yeah... ...not as rough as you have it though. Here. I filched them from your equipment when the colonel wasn't looking. It's the least I can do... ? Don't suppose you could let me out of here? Huh? I can't do that. Hey, don't you go getting any funny ideas. If you try to escape, I'll have to shoot you. I've said too much. --- Hey, you're not such a bad guy after all. I...I guess not all Americans are dogs. You mean it? Yeah. You know, before the war started I used to live in America. I even had a wife and a kid... You must be pretty lonely. Yeah, I am pretty lonely...REALLY lonely. What's your kid's name? Johnny. Johnny...nice ring to it. Really? You like it? ...Well, if you say so, I'll believe you. Actually, my name is Johnny, too. All the first-born sons in my family are called Johnny. My dad's a Johnny, and my son's son will probably be a Johnny, too. A whole clan of Johnnies. Why do we have a Cold War, anyway... ...our two countries used to be such good friends. Yeah, I hear ya. I just want to see my family again... Must be rough. Yeah... ...not as rough as you have it though. ? Don't suppose you could let me out of here? Huh? I can't do that. Hey, don't you go getting any funny ideas. If you try to escape, I'll have to shoot you. I've said too much. I gotta go. --- Are you one of the Cobras? Sad... so sad... A host of sorrows... And you are one of them... I am The Sorrow. Like you, I, too, am filled with sadness. This world is one of sadness... Battle brings death. Death brings sorrow. The living... ...may not hear them. Their voices... ...may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake... ...the dead... ...are not silent. Now you will know the sorrow of those whose lives you have ended. --- Boss, you have to shoot me! I can't! Shoot me!! You want to finish your mission, don't you? Then...'ll have to shoot me. The spirit of the warrior... ...will always be with you. Don't be sad... ...we'll meet again someday. --- Want some? No, thanks. Don't like snakes? Not for dinner. Didn't you have to eat them at the KGB? In my training we always got the good stuff. French, Italian... that kind of thing... A regular Mata Hari. The least you could do is call me Cynthia. Tell me something. How does it feel to spy on your own country? I can't say it feels good. But it's my job. Can't even eat a snake during a mission, huh... I wouldn't mind eating you. When this mission's over, you'll have to treat me to a nice dinner. What do you want to eat? Let's about sushi? Sushi? It's Japanese. I hear it's all the rage right now. Supposedly it's made from raw fish. Raw fish? Just the place for my survival techniques. Snake? Thank you, Snake. I'll be your eyes from now on. Thank you. Snake... Don't worry about it. Are you all right? It's not like I can't see. I've got one good eye, and can still fire a gun. Really? Good... --- Snake, come here for a minute... There's something in here... it's so hard... When did it get like that...? Hold still. Let me do it. You know, I've been trained to do this kind of thing myself... Just relax and let me handle it. OK... I can't believe how small it is... Yeah, but it gets the job done... Really? Here, lift up your hips... Like this? Yeah. ...How's that? You're pretty good at that. Yeah, everybody tells me that. Hold steady. I'm not done yet. There! A transmitter. Is that how they do it in the KGB? Sometimes. Would you rather I did it American style? Mmm...but how'd you know there was a transmitter lodged there? That's some female intuition you've got. --- EVA, didn't you steal some explosives out of the fortress? C3, a highly potent explosive from the West. It can be molded into any shape, like clay. With just this much, you could blow up the Shagohod and the lab along with it. Is that right? Yeah, but there's a trick to using it. Tell me about it. Well, what do you think? --- The Shagohod's booster unit uses liquid fuel. The fuel tanks are in the main wing of the weapons lab... in the hangar housing the Shagohod itself. So I should blow up the tanks? That's the basic idea. It should be enough to blow up the entire hangar. There are four fuel tanks. In order to destroy the hangar, you'll have to set explosives on each of those tanks. All four of them? It should be no sweat for you. Besides, the scientists have the day off today. So the hangar's completely deserted? Not quite. They've still got guards posted there. Hmm. So what do I do after I set the C3? The bombs run off a timer. Once the timer has been set, the countdown will begin. When the timer reaches zero, the bombs will all go off at once. How long do I have? 20 minutes. Once the Phase 2 trials are finished, I wouldn't be surprised if they kill all the scientists to prevent them from talking. So you've got to act fast! I'll take care of it. --- EVA, did you get the data on the Shagohod from Sokolov? Yeah. That's the mission I was given. By Khrushchev? Uh huh. America doesn't have any use for it does it? But I haven't forgotten my other mission, either. Helping you out. Follow this cave and go up the ladder at the end. You'll come out inside Groznyj Grad, just southwest of the weapons lab. --- Do you remember when you went to rescue Sokolov? Remember there was a locked door when you entered the main wing from the 2nd floor of the east wing? Yeah. That's the entrance to the Shagohod's hangar. --- Use this key to open that door. The door right when I entered the main wing. Got it. What about you? I'll get things ready for our escape. There's a rail bridge to the north. I'm going to set a bomb there, so I'm taking half of the C3 with me. Right. I'll set off the weapons lab, then. Try not to be in the neighborhood when it happens. Gotcha. And watch out for Ocelot. He suspects you're not who you say you are. Don't worry. the Colonel still trusts me... And I have my ways. There's not a man alive who can resist my charms.. Besides you, of course. I'm just warning you, EVA, that's all. I know. OK, let's go. You seem like you were born on one of those. If I didn't ride every day, I couldn't go on living. ? When I'm riding, the wind hits me so hard that it hurts. That pain keeps my mind off the pain of having to be someone else. It's not easy always fooling myself like this. It's only when I'm on the bike... ...that I'm free to be the real me. I only get off my bike when I fall in love... or fall dead... What's your name? Tatyana. No, your real name. What's wrong with Tanya? OK, Tanya. Don't let anyone see you. ? Oh, this? It's a button camera. What did you do that for? Insurance. To make sure you don't double cross me... Hey! What!? You're gonna get wet again! --- This woman was found snooping around my underground vault. When she was captured, look what we found on her. The Philosophers' Legacy. This microfilm contains all the information regarding the Legacy. You might say that this film itself is the Philosophers' Legacy. It was the smell that gave her away. No. Not the perfume. It was gasoline. Motorcycle gasoline. She reeked of it. To think that lovely Tatyana was a spy... We found this radio along with her too. Such a fine woman she was... It almost pains me to have to kill her... Yes, she was an obedient one. She was my precious little pet. Isn't that right!? What was that? Do you have something to say to me? Go to hell!! You dirty whore! I've had enough kisses from you! I should have known. Sokolov wasn't man enough to have a lover like that. Just like the KGB to send something so beautiful, yet so deadly. What is the Philosophers' Legacy? Very well. I'll explain it before I kill you. --- I have lost the Cobras, but I still have the Shagohod and the Legacy. There is nothing America can do to stop us! Boss, take this someplace safe. Take good care of it. He wouldn't have come waltzing back in here unless he had a reason. The C3's been stolen. He must be planning some sort of sabotage. I'll go see if there are any surprises waiting for us. I'll dispose of her as well. Leave everything to me. Fight like a warrior, Volgin. But of course. Let me face him. I've been waiting for this moment... ...time to get even! Ah ah ah... No more judo, and no more field strips. Enough of this! He's mine! You will stand right there and watch! Got it? Please, Colonel, let me...! Silence! Sorry for the delay. Let's get started shall we? This is a once-in-a-lifetime battle. Let's make it a good one! It's just you and me now. And I'm going to enjoy this! Snake! You're mine! Son of The Boss! --- Shoot him! Do you hear me! I said shoot him!! Sorry Colonel, I'm afraid I can't do that. What do you mean, you can't? I made a promise to The Boss. Silence! I am your commanding officer! Are you questioning my authority? Fight like a man, Volgin. Volgin...? Emergency! Explosives have been detected. All non-EOD personnel must evacuate immediately. Ocelot, find those bombs! Repeat. Explosives have been detected. All non-EOD personnel must evacuate immediately. Move it! Ready for some more, snake!? --- Hop in! Step on it! EVA, how did you... The Boss let me go. The Boss...? But why? --- I'll tell you later. Right now we've got to get to the lake and escape! We can't leave yet! I've still got one last job to do... ...The Boss is already at the lake... Huh? She's at the lake. She's waiting for you there... Waiting for me? I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell you. ...I don't want you to fight her. But...I I've come to realize that there's a special relationship between you two. Something I can't understand, something that goes beyond a man and a woman... I envy you... Really, I do. But... ...I guess I just can't understand it. She asked me to tell you something. I've never seen someone with such clear eyes. There... I said it. Ready to go? Yeah. Snake! It's not over yet!!! There is no escape!! We failed! Not good! Hold on tight!! --- I can't shake him! The RPG can't put a dent in that armor. Let's head for the rail bridge. The bridge? I thought you rigged it with C3! I did. We'll lure him onto the bridge... ...then blow him up along with it. Good plan. The bridge is on the other side of the runway. We'll have to cut through the middle of the base. You ready? Step on it!! If he catches up to us, we're done for! OK, here we go! --- Snake, we've only got one chance! We'll try to lure him over towards the other side. When the Shagohod is on the bridge, shoot the explosives. The bomb is planted on the strut of the bridge. Let's go! --- We did it! It's over. Look! I'm not finished yet!! EVA, you take care of the driving. Yeah? Yeah. I trust you. On one condition, though... leave the fighting to me. You got it. I was getting tired of running away anyway. EVA, let's do it. For luck! Here goes! --- Snake!! Who's afraid of a little thunder? Fried by a bolt of lightning... ...a fitting end. It's finally over... No time for this now... The escape craft is just up ahead. Let's get going. --- Looks like they finally gave up. Don't start celebrating yet. We're leaking fuel... Damn it! The tank's shot up. Crap! EVA! I'm over here... Snake, how's it look? ...Pretty bad. Not a sensitive bone in your body... EVA... What about you, Snake? --- I'm fine. That's good to hear... We have to get away from here. EVA, let's go. Leave me. EVA! The Boss is waiting for you. You have to go. Give me a gun... No! We're getting out of here! We're still far away from the lake. I'll never make it. I can't believe this. Huh? I never thought I'd see you act this weak. What do you mean? Listen to me, EVA. We're doing this together. No, you... EVA, I need you. Say that one more time. I need you. I can't fly the WIG by myself. All right, then. I guess I'd better help you out. You're lucky to have me... --- Can you walk? Yeah, I think so... Here. It's different from the Mauser. When you're using a two-hand grip, you have to be careful where you put your hands or your fingers will get burned by the exhaust gas from the cylinder gap. --- Come on, Snake! We made it... We made it... Over there! It's The Boss, isn't it? --- I'll go get the WIG ready to take off. Right. I'll leave you two alone. But come back in one piece, OK? Promise me! Life's end... It's almost tragic... When life ends, it gives off a final, lingering aroma... Light is but a farewell gift from the darkness to those on their way to die. I've been waiting, Snake... for a long time. Waiting for your birth, your growth... and the finality of today... Boss... Why are you doing this? Why? To make the world one again. The world used to be whole. But with the end of the Second World War, the Philosophers began to fight amongst themselves, and the world was torn apart. --- The Cobras, my comrades, who trained and fought alongside me, were torn apart as well. The foibles of politics and the march of time can turn friends into enemies just as easily as the wind changes. Ridiculous, isn't it? Yesterday's ally becomes today's opposition. And this Cold War? Think back... When I was leading the Cobras, America and Russia were fighting together. Now consider whether America and Russia will still be enemies in the 21st century. Somehow, I doubt it. Enemies change along with the times, the flow of the ages. And we soldiers are forced to play along... --- I didn't raise you and shape you into the man you are today just so we could face each other in battle. A soldier's skills aren't meant to be used to hurt friends. So then what is an enemy? --- Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms. The world must be made whole again. The Philosophers must be reunited. I will devote my skills to that purpose. And with the Colonel's money, I will achieve that end. Just as I once created the Cobras. They are my family. I may no longer be able to bear children, but I still have a family. --- Look at this scar. This is proof that I was once a mother. I gave up my body and my child for my country. There is nothing left inside me now. Nothing at all. No hatred, not even regret. And yet sometimes, at night, I can still feel the pain creeping up inside me. Slithering through my body, like a snake... I've never talked this much about myself before. Thanks... thanks for listening to me. I feel... content. Snake... Commence the operation. I raised you. I loved you. I've given you weapons, taught you techniques, endowed you with knowledge. There is nothing more for me to give you. All that's left for you to take is my life. your own hand. One must die, and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the fight. It is our destiny... The one who survives will inherit the title of Boss. And the one who inherits the title of Boss will face an existence of endless battle. I'll give you 10 minutes. In 10 minutes, MiGs will come and bomb the hell out of this place. If you can beat me in less than 10 minutes, you'll be able to escape in time. Let's make this the greatest 10 minutes of our lives, Jack. Boss! You're a soldier! Finish your mission! Prove your loyalty! Face me! --- This is the end... --- Take this... keep it safe... It's our only hope... A Patriot... why are you giving me this? Jack... Or should I say... Snake... You're a wonderful man... Kill me... Kill me now... Do it... There's only room for one Boss. And one Snake... --- Ready to go, Snake? Are you OK? Snake? Yeah... I told you you could trust me. Snake!! Ocelot! We're not done yet! Damn! We're too heavy! Snake, try to remember some of the basics of CQC... Not good! I've picked up a few new moves!! It doesn't feel right to shoot an unarmed man... but I'll get over it. EVA!! What do you say to one last showdown? Yeah... all right. What's your name? Snake. No, not that name. You're not a snake, and I'm not an Ocelot. We're men, with names... My name is Adamska. What's yours? John. Very well, John... Plain name, but I won't forget it. C'mon! --- It looks like your luck has beat mine again. But why didn't you pull the trigger? ...Ah, well. Till we meet again, John! --- It looks like my luck has finally changed. Till we meet again, John! --- It's a blank. That was fun. Till we meet again, John! --- It's a blank. That was fun. Till we meet again, John! --- Oh no! MiGs! There's no way out! What are we going to do? We've come too far to let them stop us now. Those things have got to be armed. It's no use! There's no way we can outmaneuver them! They're going to shoot us down! We were so close... Weapons systems on. Locked on target. I got tone. You were great, EVA. Huh? Thanks. Volk-19, this is Control. Stand by for a direct order from the Chairman. Volk-19, return to base immediately! Do you read me? This is a direct order from Comrade Khrushchev! Return to base immediately! Volk-19! Do you copy? Understood. Aborting mission. Look! The MiGs are turning back! --- So what are you going to do now? Go back to the KGB? What do you want me to do? --- Did you ever think about coming back to America? I can't go back. I've left America behind me. But you saved this country. I didn't do it alone... And I still owe you a dinner. Is that part of your mission, too? Or is it an order? Or is it an invitation? Mmm... ...or a proposal? I don't take orders from anyone now. --- Flying over Pakistan, altitude 30,000 feet. Approaching Soviet airspace. Twenty minutes to dropoff... Commencing internal depressurization. Equipment check... Arm main parachute. All right, you ready to go? Drop zone still showing a high pressure mass. CAVOK! (Cloud and Visibility OK) Good, we've got high visibility. Put out that cigar. Connecting oxygen hose to interior connector... Put on your mask... Does this pantywaist know what he's doing? Approaching release point... Ten minutes to dropoff. Hey! Are you deaf? He said put out the cigar and put on your mask. Depressurization complete. Checking oxygen supply. Six minutes to dropoff! Opening rear hatch! Sunrise... External temperature, minus 46 degrees Celsius. Two minutes to dropoff... Stand up. You'll be falling at 130 miles per hour. Try not to get frostbite from the wind chill. One minute to dropoff... Move to the rear. Activate bailout bottle. This is one for the history books; the world's first HALO jump. Ten seconds to dropoff...standby. Status OK, all green! Prepare for dropoff... Countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Spread your wings and fly! God be with you! --- I beg of you, grant me the strength to take this final prey. Let me linger in this world just a little longer. --- I have already slept enough for one lifetime... ...enough for an eternity. You have my thanks. I have to thank you... ...for waking me. If you hadn't shown up, my sleep... ...would have been eternal. Do you hear me, snake? I am The End! I am here to send you to your ultimate fate! You'll make a fine quarry for my final hunt! --- You disappoint me, young snake... The moment you close your eyes on the battlefield is the moment you never open them again. That's why I don't sleep here... --- Scholars tell us that the first spy in history was the snake in the Book of Genesis. In that story, it was Eve who was tempted by the snake in the garden of Eden. But this time around, it was I who tempted the snake and got away with the forbidden fruit of knowledge. Forgive me, Snake. Good morning, Snake. I hope you slept well... First of all, I have to apologize. I wasn't sent by Khrushchev. I'm not a KGB spy, and I never worked for the NSA. I am an agent of the People's Republic of China... For the General HQ Second Department of the People's Liberation Army... It was all a lie. I tricked you... and I'm sorry. The Philosophers still exist in China, too. You see, my mission was to find out where Volgin was hiding the Philosophers' Legacy and steal it... So I infiltrated his base as a KGB spy. The two NSA code breakers who defected in 1960... ...were actually both men. The real ADAM never showed up at the meeting place... ...saving me the trouble of having to eliminate him. I sneaked in by pretending I was EVA... And you and Sokolov and Volgin... you all believed me. The Philosophers' Legacy was originally held in common between the U. S., Soviet Union, and China. We couldn't let the Russians and the Americans take it all for themselves. --- The Chinese government had its eye on the Legacy, too. I got the film containing the Legacy. And also the nuclear missile launch data from the Shagohod. --- Five years ago, the Soviet Union stopped supplying us with nuclear weapons technology. Since then, China's "Liangdan yixing" - hydrogen bomb --- and space rocket projects - have fallen behind. --- But with this data, our country will be able to develop its own nukes. We'll create a deterrent force to rival those of the U.S. and Soviet Union. Everything has gone according to plan... thanks to your help. I, too, am one of the Philosophers. I am an agent of the Philosophers, a graduate of one of their "charm schools". I was raised in a joint U.S.-Soviet-Chinese facility to become a sleeper agent. This was before the war. Back then, they were collecting children from all over the world. As a result, I'm indistinguishable from a native-born American. So it didn't surprise me when you and Volgin couldn't tell the difference. But... she knew right from the beginning... She knew because before the war, she was at one of the Philosophers' schools, too - as an instructor. The Boss was the only one I couldn't fool. She was the only one who knew I was a fake. She told me everything. Why did she open her heart to me like that? At the time, I couldn't understand it. But now I think I do. Snake... ...she wanted you to know the truth. She chose me to tell you. That's why she saved my life. I've lied to you so many times. But not this time. My orders from the government were to obtain the Legacy... ...and to eliminate everyone who knew the truth about what happened. --- In other words, I'm supposed to kill you. But I can't do it. Not because we loved each other. And not because you saved my life. But because I made a promise to The Boss... And I intend to keep it. I just wanted you to know. And... have to live. --- Snake, listen to me. She didn't betray the United States. No... ...far from it. She was a hero who died for her country. She carried out her mission knowing full well what was going to happen. Self-sacrifice... ...because that was her duty. You are above even The Boss... I hereby award you the title of Big Boss. You are a true patriot. You know, we could use an infiltration unit like FOX in the army... Someone like him to handle our top-secret sneaking missions for us... A man who combines the qualities of a soldier and an agent... The Boss' defection was a ruse set up by the U.S. government. It was all a big drama staged by Washington so they could get their hands on the Philosophers' Legacy. And The Boss was the star of the show. They planned it so that they could get the Legacy that Colonel Volgin inherited... ...and destroy the Shagohod at the same time. Only a legendary hero like The Boss could have earned Volgin's trust. Finding out where the Philosophers' Legacy was hidden was to be her greatest mission. Everything was going according to plan... But then something happened that no one could have predicted. Colonel Volgin fired an American-made nuclear warhead at Sokolov's research facility. Khrushchev demanded that the U.S. government provide proof that it wasn't involved... They couldn't just abort the operation to steal the Legacy. So the operation itself was greatly expanded and revised. --- The authorities in Washington knew that in order to prove its innocence, they'd have to get rid of The Boss... ...and that one of their own would have to do the job. The public couldn't be allowed to find out about it... not ever. This, they concluded, would be the best way to keep the whole thing under wraps. The Boss wouldn't be allowed to come back home alive. And she wouldn't be allowed to kill herself. Her life would be ended by her most beloved disciple... That was the way the government wanted it. That was the mission she was given. And she had no choice but to carry it out... Her death at your hands... ...was a duty she had to fulfill. Out of duty, she turned her back on her own comrades... A lesser woman would have been crushed by such a burden... The taint of disgrace will follow her to her grave. Future generations will revile her... In America, as a despicable traitor with no sense of honor... And in Russia, as a monster who unleashed a nuclear catastrophe... She will go down in official history as a war criminal. And no one will ever understand her... That... ...was her final mission. And, like a true soldier, she saw it through to the end. But I think she wanted you, of all people, to know the truth. She wanted to live on... your memory. Not as a solider, but as a woman. But... ...she was forbidden to tell you herself. And that's why she told me... Snake, --- history will never know what she did. No one will ever learn the truth. Her story... her debriefing... ...will endure only in your heart. Everything she did, she did for her country. She sacrificed her life and her honor for her native land. She was a real hero. She was a true patriot. --- 003. End --------