
G&T Soft - Takamichi Suzukawa's page. Includes many translations and information on them.

JunkerHQ - A wealth of text dumps and other information on games by Hideo Kojima. Among a great many scans here are excellent ones from the manual of Metal Gear that was released in the United Kingdom.

MSX Resource Center - A large website with a lot of information and materials for MSX users. Be sure to check out the forums. - Large forum for Metal Gear in general. It's primarily focused on the 'Solid' series, but doesn't exclude the originals. Fairly high traffic here.

Darkpoint - My other site. No Metal Gear material, just my skins and sabers (etc) for Jedi Academy, the PC game by Lucasarts. All of the stuff on there (save for the models used for the player skins) were created by me.

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