SuLLeN BeLoVeD...


Wicca is a very touchy subject... If you do not agree, fine. BUT, for me this is a life comitment.. and this is just a basic outline for those who are curious... many things i do not really go into...

Spells... well i do not beleive one should go looking on the internet for spells. I mean, there are many good sites with good spells, BUT my personal belief is to make up my own. I tend to combine Candle magick, herbs, colors, writing and whatever else means something to ME, the more personal, the better. Of course there is the whole pre-spell meditiation, bath and Circle ritual, etc, to start things off... But as far as what happens with the spell itself, you can make up your own, get one from a friend or have one pre-made or made for you. I believe the more time and effort put into a spell, the better the outcome...

Wicca is not just a spell casting, power wielding, concequenceless religion. And that is what it is, a religion, one not taken lightly or all at once, it is also a way of life... a way to live. It takes a lot of work and research before even the most skilled of Wiccans' will attempt a spell. "Spells" aren't going to make your life easy and make you able to do whatever you want. Whatever you do there is a consequence to it. Whether it be good or bad, 3 times over. Keep in mind that spells do not always work! Wicca is not all spells. You are seeking yourself, your spiritual path, and a closer look at life and nature. It is a self-growth kind of religion, and therefore deals with what you CAN do, not with what you CAN'T! "Do as thou wilt, and it harm none" Is the main philosophy behind Wicca, and therefore translated as "do what you want, but don't harm anything". This is concentrating on what you CAN do, and as i said not what you CAN'T. Making a much more positive impact on people, than telling them they will die or go to hell if they do this and do that!

If you chose to place ill will on something or someone, you get what is comming to you, three fold law, as in three times as bad. It is purely based on consequences. You bought what you payed for. You get what you give out. There are many analogies for this sort of thing!

Last two main things are the God and Goddess and Reincarnation. The God and Godddess are both seperate and together at the same time. We see them as linked, but worship them as seperate dentities. "They are joined as one in the great rite." As for reiencarnation, there are many different beliefs on this, my personal is you go on from life to life, and depending on what do during that time is what decides a)who you will be and b) what your life will be like during that time. New souls, are more reckless than old souls as they have had no experience telling them not to do certain things or what happens if they do something bad.

Those are the basics of Wicca... there aren't really anymore "set" beliefs, you mostly believe what you think is right. Follow your heart, live your life, and try not to hurt things and people along the way.

"Wicca is a way of life, not a way of power"

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