SuLLeN BeLoVeD...

Words of Wisdom

(have any quote you'd want me to use, email me.)

"It is only when one has lost something, that they realize how much it ment to them"
-Adapted from something Char said to me
"Love - Who ever keeps saying that its exactly like a piece of chocolate has either never had chocolate, or never had love"
-Some teen magazine!
"If i remain in denial long enough, it'll all go away"
-My dad
"Living is a disease"
-donno where thats from...
"whats wrong with cheap crack? It works just as well and has the same effect!"
-My Brother
"to do what others can't do, is do what talent can't do, is genius"
-something greg said
"art" is my blessing, and my curse my disease, and my cure
-Frank Duran(xahua) nimexihcatl
"Only one who wants to be helped can... Help yourself, let someone help you."
"Generally by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."
-(The Skin Horse from The Velveteen Rabbit)
"Could I end my life with a knife sharpened of problems-Sweet satisfaction of a night sky with horns-A papercut bleeds like a cut vein-Could this sky open up and accept this tortued soul-But my wings have yet to work-Change means nothing When nothing wants to change-Save you strength for the first disappointment-Break this mirror that changes you-Forever is such an unpleasant word-It begins to eat you, from the inside out-Blood stains on the wall-Beg for sleep-As the noose is tied-Around-Your neck.-Poison the Well, A Wish for Wings That Work"
"In 3 Words I Can Sum Up Everything I Know About Life: It Goes On"
"Nothing can be obtained by grasping at the wind.There is no escape from the dualism of life.Vanity of vanities.I am embittered towards humanity for its failures,yet I possess all of these same shortcomings.There is grief in wisdom,There is sorrow in truth.Yet the heart of the wise is in the house of mourning.And by a sad countenance the heart is made stronger in time.So I embrace this burden and weep for the fools that chase the wind."
-Hopesfall, Open Hands to the Wind
"To be nobody but yourself,in a world which is doing its best,night and day,to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting"
-EE Cummings
"kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!"
-Satanic Bible
"only true love is ever eternal, all others are the road leading there..."
"the greatest "art" comes not through technique, but through the experience of suffering"
-Frank Duran(xahua) nimexihcatl

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