SuLLeN BeLoVeD...

Me, Myself, and i...

Hello, welcome to my first REAL webpage, i have another but it was on Edmonton online.
I've decided to go out and get one where i have more memory and can put alot more into it.

Name - Mayoke

Occupation - student, I quit Taco Time!!!

Age - Old enough to go to highschool

Hobbies - Wicca (info gathering),Music, hangin out, art, poetry, creepy things...

Religion/Spirituality - Wicca (obviously)

Family - Yes, and they drive me insane (a dad, mom, an uncle, brother and sister)

Dislikes - people who don't take care of themselves, and blantently stupid people...and people who are intolerant to others (eg. homaphobes, racists etc...)

Misc - I am Wiccan, an equalist and one who supports enviromentalists.

Anyone with problems, or issues with this, may leave at anytime.

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