As requested by the band, here is their updated biography:

Viingrid�s hostilities began during November of 2001. One guitar, voice and drums then composed the line-up and so it remained till December of 2001 when H�lder joined the band as bass player. To play black metal was the main objective, but without ending up falling on the mediocrity that roams around the underground. Songwriting was an enjoyable process, in which everyone participated. So the first songs came up and during the first three months of 2002 more songs were created and the first live appearance at their home town Porto with fellows WRATH [Por] took place, marking the beginning of the live brutality that would come. H�lder left the band for personal reasons and the line-up came back to what it was. Rehearsing with other bass players didn�t work as desired and so Viingrid remained a 3 piece band. Right on April, the second live show with WRATH once again and gore grinders HOLOCAUSTO CANIBAL [Por] took place. Going on stage without bass wasn�t an obstacle for delivering the best of their performance. The following months were dedicated to create new songs and try to find a bass player. In June another show in Porto comes up, this time with black metallers FLAGELLUM DEI and INTHYFLESH, once again without bass. Viingrid delivered the most powerful performance ever and the result became the first release titled �Live Warmageddon� a live promo CD-R which anyone can request free of charge to the band.  More rehearsals, new songs, covers and new arrangements came with the entrance of Aronther to second guitar player. Concert with RAW MACHINE [Por] and SERGUTH�S TALE [Por] in October 2002 keeps the pace, once again with only 3 elements on stage, once Aronther has been in the band for one week.
Aronther gets the spirit of Viingrid and H�lder returns. February 2003 Viingrid enters Grave Studios, in Braga and under the guidance of Pedro �Mano� Alves the recordings of �Into The Dark Nebula� take shape and end up in July, 5 months after. Since car crashes to illness a lot of obstacles appeared but the unstoppable black metal force prevailed.
Aronther chooses to leave Viingrid for personal reasons. New songs are composed and the participation on the first CAOS EMERGENTE METALFEST on the 1st November takes place, with Viingrid co-headlining the event along with PITCHBLACK [Por] and HOLOCAUSTO CANIBAL [Por] and sharing stage with more 7 bands like DESKARGA ET�LIKA [Por], BLEEDING DISPLAY [Por] among others. The decision for releasing ITDN through DEATH HAMMER PRODUCTIONS, Phantasos� own label, seems unavoidable and so ITDN comes out with 4 corrosive hymns to sonic aggression and 2 intros, wrapped in pro-printed lay-out limited to 150 copies handnumbered by the band themselves. December of 2003 sees the band unleashing their chaotic beast of pure black metal with full force and powerful production, setting ground by themselves in the Portuguese Underground.