Unlike what I usually do, I decided to leave this band's bio as I received it. Here it is:

The Walk Of The Shadows started its blasphemies somewhere in 2000. Founded by Lord Infaustum (Infernal vomits / Drum programming) and PedroXXX (Bass / Guitars) who wanted to play Black Metal in its most impious form to spread their most negative thoughts and feelings. Two tracks were recorded in 2000 and the band was almost releasing a promotional release in 2001 but nothing was done until now and the band is sleeping and waiting to wake up to destroy everything who belongs to the light. The two and only members of this band support Straight edge, Vegetarianism and Veganism, if you think Black Metal cannot be connected with this, you're wrong... just think for yourself and stop licking the boots of the "rock-stars" on the scene. These guys aren't into Black Metal to spread Vegetarianism of Veganism, but to spread terror among  everyone. The Walk Of The Shadows isn't a Pagan Black Metal band but some ideals are common between this blasphemic project and Paganism.

The Walk Of The Shadows stands for the protection of every life that isn't human.

This project is nothing but pure terror against mankind and its worthless values.