Interview with guitar player and founder Skalvic � 24 August 2004
How would you describe your band?

Zymosis is a very serious (and fun) band, with about two years of existence, that wants to go through as many varied experiences as possible. Our sound is a melodic Black Metal that sometimes gets very heavy and massive, with passages that sometimes resemble Death Metal. Vocals both very shrill and clear and keyboards very atmospheric and melodic, liberating the soul and understanding the reason for our existence. We express the world in its whole, all the hatred and some experiences of some elements of the band. We are a very united band that wants its Black Metal to reach as many people as possible.

Are you happy with your demo 'Welcome to the Devil's Lair'? How have the reactions to it been?

Yes, because we must not forget that it was with this demo that Zymosis broke into the underground, and that before it the band�s existence was unknown. It received good reviews in spite of the bad sound and it reached several countries. It was spread throughout Europe and had reasonable airplay in radioshows such as for example Fogo no Gelo and Overdose.

What about your CD �Disharmonical Symphony of Black Dimensions�? Are you satisfied with the result?

Our first demo CD will be released this month through D. M. K. Records in an edition of 666 copies. Since it will only be out on the 27th we don�t know about the result yet, but everything seems to indicate good future results. Let�s hope so.

Still concerning your new CD, the label that is going to release it, Dark Matter Kreations, has been involved in a polemics that extends to other known bands and personalities. Do you have any comments to make about this?

Well, about this matter I am out of it because things will work in a way in which it is not possible there to be foul play. Our manager read something on the net about the guy having done less pleasant things, but he doesn�t know whether what people have been saying is true or not. So he got in contact with him straight away. He got a totally different reply, but I don�t want to delve any further into that now.
We only want D. M. K. Records to do their job and we�ll do ours. So far we have no reasons for complaint, even because the promotion for the release has been good.

What is the Metal scene like in the Azores?

Metal in the Azores is alive and well. The only real problem is performing live, we lack a venue for gigs, because every time a band approaches a bar with the intention of playing there, they ask what style of music it is and then� that�s it� you get it. But this is changing with the opening of some bars with different ambiences.

And the Azorean Black Metal scene in particular? Can it be said one exists?

There existed one and it still exists with the fundamental presence of Zymosis reigning on this dark realm of shade.
There used to exist Blackmass, Luciferian Dementia and Gnosticism.

What do you think of the Portuguese Black Metal bands? Are there any you like in particular?

Well, Portuguese Black Metal is very well I think, but I think all Portuguese music is going great.
Sometimes I get very surprised with a few of them.

How have your live experiences been going? Are there any plans to play in continental Portugal?

Our live experiences have been going very well and everytime we play a large number of people shows up; we think also because we deliver a good show, with suitable clothing, corpsepaint, and very energetic on stage. The public has been very supportive. Concerning travels to the continent, nothing definite yet. We�d like to go to the Barroselas MetalFest; we�ll see.
Our manager (founder and guitar player of Prophecy of Death) has been there and he loved it. We�d like to take such a chance to make arrangements for some more shows.

What bands have you been listening to lately?

I�ve been listening to Dimmu Borgir, Darkthrone, Mystic Circle, 1943, Zyklon, Cradle of Filth, Craft, Carpathian Forest, Marduk, Hypocrisy and Slayer.

What are your plans for the near future? What should we expect from Zymosis?

We are planning to go into the studio near the end of the year to start recording songs for a new release (in an as yet unknown format) and play some gigs in the continent.

Thanks for your replies and good luck!

Thank you and may everything go well for you.
Listen to lots of Metal.