Interview with Andremon - 14 August 2003
So, what�s up with The Sorcerer?
What have you been up to lately and what may happen in the near future?

Well, after these 5 years on standby due to personal problems, I decided to go on with the project and record two completely new songs in 2002... the promo �The Second Coming...�. Next year I hope to choose and re-record some old songs, aiming to secure a deal with some label.

What is the lyrical concept behind The Sorcerer? What are your songs about?

Basically the lyrics are fictional, tales and experiences, in the context of the occult and the mystical.

What have the reactions to The Sorcerer�s music been like so far?

The reactions have always been pretty good. Both towards the demo, which had an excellent distribution at the time, and the 2002 promo, from the very few people who had access to it.

How would you sum up the times you spent with Grog? How do you look back to those?

Ah, ah..... good times were those!! Almost 7 years of sincere friendship (that still goes on today), and of extreme musical creation! �Macabre� still kicks ass!!
It was great, we gained a lot of musical and live experience.

What about Simbiose? What�s this band about? What�s going on right now?

Concerning Simbiose, it�s a very different band concept! It�s a band that has also been going on for a long time, 11 years, and in which I have been playing for two years. It�s a band that faces music as an attack weapon, straightforward, with no beating around the bush, and that in these last two years worked a lot in both the Portuguese and foreign scene. Right now we�re in the studio (at the Crossover Studios) mixing our next album that I guarantee right now is going to be a bomb!! Everyone into Crust and Thrash is sure to like it!

What do you think about the scene in Portugal right now when compared to the old days, say a decade or so ago?

The scene in Portugal is very changed, in my opinion to the worse! The Black Metal boom changed and divided the people, and originated the little groups and shitty elites who think themselves to be above the rest! In the old days we could go to the gigs at the Dram�tico de Cascais and there were headbangers, and punks, and guys wearing shirt, but everyone was enjoying it together because what mattered was the sound and the spirit of the scene. Today you only see the little groups I mentioned, gigs with just one style of music for each group, etc...
A lot of the spirit of union around the sound is lost, you get what I mean? In Simbiose we have been changing that a little, we manage to gather all sorts of people in our gigs.
That�s it... I hope it changes again for the better!

You are explicitly against right-wing nationalism and Nazism in Metal. What do you think about all the National Socialist Black Metal bands that exist right now? And what do you think about the fact that there seem to be several bands espousing similar ideologies emerging in the Portuguese BM scene?

I sincerely think that those people ought to change their music style and quit polluting Metal!
Metal was always against racism, fascism and nazism!
I also love the country where I live, where I was born, and where I have my roots and my friends, but I�m not going to be a nazi because immigration keeps rising, or because I got my ass kicked by black guys who are themselves racist. I don�t fight for a country that gives me nothing and only takes away from me! I fight for myself and who I love!
I urge the younger people to think for themselves and not to let themselves be influenced by ideologies of people frustrated by the shitty lives they lead!

So, how did you hook up with Filii Nigrantium Infernalium? What�s going on with the band and what may we expect for the near future?

My entrance in Filii is not confirmed yet, but everything points that way! The rest will be a surprise!

How did you come to play those solos in the latest Decayed CD �The Beast Has Risen�? What was the experience like? What do you think of the CD now that it�s out?

I always had a musical relationship with the leader of Decayed, Z�! We even got to rehearse The Sorcerer together to play live, and it has even been discussed that I might get into Decayed to play live as well. I had already contributed some solos to the last EP, and Z� asked me whether I wanted to do some of the CD�s solos as well. It is a great pleasure to play with my friends, mainly with who has a true stance and attitude of what Metal is for many years. Kill �em, Decayed!!!
I�ve only heard the CD now... ah, ah, ah... when I recorded the solos I hadn�t previously heard the songs! It�s very good, one of the best!

What bands have you been listening to lately?

It�s a tough question because I almost exclusively listen to the same classics I always heard... ah, ah! I don�t buy new stuff... when I spend money on sound it�s to buy the old classics I don�t have yet. Let me think about some new stuff I have heard... Nile, The Haunted, Lockup, the new one by Napalm Death, ... ah, and I got �Horror of the Zombies� by Impetigo, eh, eh... fine classic!!

Thank you for this interview! Good luck with The Sorcerer and your other bands!

I thank you for the interview and the opportunity to say something about some issues.
Salutations and good wishes!!