Interview with Teasanna Satanna - 29 November 2003
Teasanna Satanna is an original name, but it doesn't end there. 'Incertezas' (which means "uncertainties" in Portuguese), the title of your latest demo, is a very unusual name for a Black Metal release and one of several indicators that you are out to search for your own identity other than treading the established paths. What are your views on this? How far are you willing to go?

Calhau Jr. -
"Incertezas" seemed to be a good title for the promo-CD.

Calhau -
After reading the lyrics, it seemed like the word that best described the ideas in them. Besides, the whole recording process was a huge uncertainty! This recording also had a more experimental side to it, it follows a lot of uncertain paths... In this band there was always a search for different things and that search will go on. Don�t be surprised if for example we ever include xylophones in our songs!

Speaking of 'Incertezas', what have the reactions to this demo been like? Are you satisfied with
the result?

Calhau �
We�re always looking for something new and that poses its risks. This time we used a female voice and that did split opinions a lot. I even dare say it was controversial or polemical, haha. I think that a band that wants to try new things out has to be able of challenging itself and, above all, challenging its audience. It was an old idea that originated from ex-members and happily it did come true. Generally, reactions have been very good, especially from the national radios, which are giving us great feedback. We shall see.

So what's new with the band? What can we expect for the near future? I hear you are going to play a gig with Filii Nigrantium Infernalium and Sortilege, is that so?

Calhau �
Yes, on 13 December we�re going to play here in Algarve and we expect to present 4 or 5 new songs. That�s what we�ve been working on, new songs. We are also preparing some surprises for our concert. We hope it to be a special night for us and also for the other bands. We are also finishing our website, it will be a simple one but we are doing whatever is possible to expose some details about the band. Some time ago we were not so willing to do a website but I think the band deserves a space of the like. Stay tuned.

What is your opinion concerning the Black Metal scene in Portugal these days? Any bands you may be particularly into?

Calhau Jr �
There are a lot of bands around doing quality stuff regardless of the �type� of Black Metal they do or the recognition they get. We won�t say any names, we don�t want to forget anyone� consult this website�s Database!!

And what about the scene in the Algarve region (where you're from)?

Calhau Jr. �
I think we have good bands that owe nothing to other national or even foreign ones. Our geographical situation is not the best, we are here in this corner and it�s always a lot of kilometres to play here and there, which results in higher travel costs. Consequentially the bands have some difficulty in promoting their work outside the region.

Calhau �
Fortunately there is a number of people who have been struggling to divulge and promote the �scene�, on several levels. The means are scarce but the main thing is to believe in what you do and to know how to support different projects and endeavours.

Your lyrics are also different from the usual stuff. What is your lyrical concept and what
inspires you?

Bruno �
Usually the bands that mean to play Black Metal use often fantastic characters and subjects related to good and evil and their scope. I don�t criticise this, on the contrary, and it�s not out of the question that someday I do the same. In my  (our) case, what drives me to write is not the task of having to write to fill a song. There is a transcription of real situations that happened to me, and therefore personal. Other sources are the history of Portugal, life itself, or the personification of situations that sometime renders the lyrics metaphorical. Writing is for me a therapy like many others, and thence my inability to write under pressure.
We all have a satanic side and an angelical side, whether we want to or not. I opt not to directly address these concepts and to leave to each reader�s consideration what meaning to draw from the lyrics.

What precisely is your connection to In Tha Umbra?

Bruno �
I started playing in In Tha Umbra by the end of 1999, after the departure of Bob Sneijers. Calhau Jr. started playing with us as a guest in March this year after Scott left.

What has been on your turntable, CD-player, etc.lately?

Calhau �
Led Zeppelin - DVD, Opeth, Meshuggah, Immortal, Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, Holocausto Canibal and Pink Floyd Ummagumma.

Thank you for your replies, and best wishes to Teasanna Satanna!

Bruno �
It�s us who have to thank you for the support and the interest in our project and we leave the promise to go on working towards improvement.

Calhau �
You have a cool site! I hope it becomes a great encyclopaedia!

Calhau Jr �
Don�t miss Filii Nigrantium Infernalium and Sortilege!