Interview with Devasth - March 2005
What have the reactions been like to 'Antichristian War Propaganda' so far? Are you satisfied with it?

Hail. The reactions have been very varied but mostly good. I�m quite satisfied with the album. Of course that some things could be better. The toms� sound is lacking strength and I had a really hard time putting them close to what I wanted. But the problem came from the source. The overall result is great. We managed to get the sound we wanted and Necromorbus also did a great job with the mastering.

You are planning a European tour to take place soon. How are things taking shape?
What can you tell us about it?

We have almost all planned dates scheduled. Everything is running nice but of course that it�ll be chaos. It�s the first time that Ketzer Records is organizing a tour and they are planning it pretty well. Daemonlord and Cirith Gorgor are also bands that I respect a lot so we have everything for a great total drunkness tour. It will happen in the beginning of May and we�ll tour through Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Austria and Belgium.

You insist that Lux Ferre has nothing to do with politics and that it's only about Satanism.
Can you then explain a bit more the ideology underlying the band?

That�s right. We are apologists of Lucifer�s Act of Rebellion. We are against the weak humanity and against all that is holy. We don�t take Satanism as a religion; we take it as a
philosophy of life � Total Free Will!

You have now started to play gigs. What has your live experience been like so far? What are your impressions on your recent gig with Decayed and InThyFlesh?

Our live experience was great. The gig at Panoias/Braga was memorable! Total Darkness and the crowd became really possessed by Satan! Our best gig so far! The gig with InThyFlesh and Decayed was quite remarkable too. All bands were great on their performances and it was a great Black Metal night.

Are you going to find a permanent drummer? How have you been coping live?

I don�t think so. Finding a real drummer to perform live will only complicate things. We don�t have much time to rehearse, so this is the better way. We�ll continue to use pre-programmed drums live. Mantus will be our recording drummer for the time being except in releases that we cannot afford to pay a studio to record the drums (like the forthcoming four-way split CD �Acerbus Mortis�).

There was a split CD together with Decayed and Corpus Christii that was cancelled "due to ideological incompatibilities". Can you tell us a bit more about this?
Lux Ferre and Corpus Christii are Satanist bands. Decayed is a pagan band (they claimed it, believe it or not). Can you see the great difference?

What is your opinion concerning the Portuguese Black Metal scene these days?
Any bands you like in particular?

Our Black Metal is getting stronger and its quality is increasing. You can see this in bands like Flagellum Dei, InThyFlesh and Malleus. Just try to listen to their albums. Some solo projects are also great, like Nightrealm, Irae, Thy Black Blood, Ars Diavoli, Onirik and Coldness.

Tell us about Darkest Hate Warfront.

It�s a project on which I and Lord Mantus are involved. It�s quite extreme Black Metal, even more than Lux Ferre. The album has suffered a fucking delay due to some lack of competence from a label not worthy to mention. It�ll finally be unleashed through Ketzer Records during this year, but there�s no fixed date yet.

What have you been listening to lately?

Amon Amarth �Fate Of Norns� CD, InThyFlesh �Crawl Beneath Our Shadow� CD, Nightrealm/Irae �Your Existence In Ruin� split tape, Primordial �Gathering The Wilderness' CD, Lugubre �Anti-Human
Black Metal�.

What do you expect for Lux Ferre's future?

That we continue to play obscure gigs and continue to release our shit.

Thank you for your replies and good luck!

Salv� L�cifer!