Interview with Tiago Lapa - December 2003
Why did you decide to form Infernal Sacrifice?

The idea appeared after some years of recording experiences in my PC. I felt I had achieved enough knowledge of the recording and mixing process to be able of doing a demo with an acceptable sound quality and so I went for it. The creative process took about a month and the recording about a week. The final result is actually pretty decent.

Any chance Infernal Sacrifice evolves to a full band with a line-up able of playing live performances?

The greatest obstacle on the way to this project becoming a normal band is the lack of a rehearsal place, since I have musicians for the band (friends of mine). We keep looking, but it�s tough.

What�s the scene like in Vila Real (Where you�re from)?

Vila Real has very little notoriety concerning that. It�s really very scarce in Metal bands. ThanatoSchizO are often referred to as being from Vila Real, but in fact they are from R�gua.

Where did you get the great artwork for the �Dark Blasphemy� demo?

I�m not very good at drawing, so what I did was search the internet for cool pictures and then use image-editing software to do a nice cover. Almost just to say that there is a cover, because the demo has no distribution in CD. However it could have been a better one. It�s nice, but now that I look at it after one year, I realise it doesn�t fit very well with the style of music I play. It seems more like a cover of some Goth thing :D

What are your lyrics about?

The lyrics were what I spent less time with (after the vocals, which were recorded in 2 or 3 hours, without ever having attempted anything of the like previously). They are very inspired in lyrics of well-known bands, others less well known, perhaps even too inspired... But since my main objective with this work was to see how good a recording I would be able of doing, I�m not in the least concerned with that. I guarantee that in the next release all the lyrics will be totally original.

What do you think about the Portuguese Black Metal scene? Any bands you like in particular?

We have very good Black Metal bands in Portugal, able of siding with what is or was done abroad. The great problem is that we live in the country we do, where things are harder and the obstacles immense. I particularly like Decayed, Corpus Christii and Sirius.

What are your favourite bands? And what are the main musical influences of Infernal Sacrifice?

Favourite bands I have a lot, in various genres. The best band ever, for me, is Metallica, mainly due to their past and not what they do presently. Besides them, within Black Metal, I love Immortal, Mayhem, Burzum... among others (the list would be too big :P). In truth, I love Metal in general.

How can your demo be obtained?

Currently only from the internet. Concerning a possible next demo, I may try to find a way to distribute even if only a few CDs. We�ll see... For now here is the link for whoever may be interested.

What�s up-and-coming? What are your plans for the near future? And what are your goals
for the band?

The next step will be to record a new demo in early 2004. Then I�ll seriously consider transforming the project into a real band. I have nothing serious in mind, since I only created this for fun. We�ll see what comes about in the fullness of time.

Thanks you for your answers to this interview.
Best wishes to Infernal Sacrifice!

Thank you for this chance of divulgation, and until next time!