Interview with Naamah Satana and Demogorgon - July 2004
What have the reactions to your demo �Frozen Empire� been like? Are you satisfied with it?

Well, first of all we�d like to mention that until concluding this work we had to go through a rather difficult and unstable process, which led to a big delay in its release.
The reactions have been very good and gratifying for us, but what really matters to us is that we do what we really like and �Frozen Empire� is proof of that.

How do you define your style? What are your musical influences?

To be honest, we never worried too much with a definitive label for the Black Metal we play; simply when we play it�s natural for the sound to come out old and cold.
As to our influences we will answer further below.

Concerning the lyrics, what message do you intend to convey through them (if any)?

It goes like this, we are not really attempting to convey any message in particular, we�re only sketching a few hallucinations reflecting the rotten of the earth, such as hypocrisy, fears and dissatisfaction that lead to sickened human disturbances. It�s a globalization of the dark, realistic side.
Basically we portray all the negativity present in our cultures.

What�s the Black scene like in the area where you live?

Well, we have a reasonable number of Metal fans around here, few of them into Black Metal, although the number has been increasing.

What�s your opinion about the Portuguese Black Metal these days? Any band you may be
particularly into?

Although we don�t worry too much concerning this subject, we are aware that national Black Metal has been evolving, despite going on being an art followed only by a minority.
In our opinion, not disrespecting any kind of work, we think there should be more bands, within the scene, playing live. Most decide just to stick to the studio work and they don�t show their art to the followers of the genre in order that their sound may be more strongly appreciated.
But it�s only an opinion.
Generally speaking, there are good quality bands around.
We just pity that there is still too much rivalry in the scene. To us these are mere and meaningless frustrations. We go on believing that Black Metal needs more strength, humility and union of all those really devoted to it. Only then could we say Black Metal to be mighty in Portugal.
So, we don�t yet feel confident enough to name specific bands.

What bands do you consider to be a direct influence? And what have you been listening to lately?

Well here it is... this question is a little subjective, we could never name �direct� influences for our sound, but we might call them suggestive inspirations for the creation of our own sound. Obviously, we are all into Black Metal, but within that scope our tastes vary. There are times when some of us are listening to Immortal or Enthroned while others are listening to Celtic Frost or Darkthrone.

How have your gigs been going?

Let�s begin with the good part.
In general, gigs have been going well and we must acknowledge that it was through them that we started to build our name inside the scene out of positive reactions to our performances that aroused the curiosity of people who hadn�t heard us yet. Another thing to our favour is that we love playing live, which helps us reach everyone present with a devastating act.
But things don�t go always well. Sometimes, or nearly always to be accurate, performances end up being hindered by the sound conditions. And worse than that is when you get good sound gear, both on stage and off, that should assure you a good sound during the gig, and then it doesn�t happen that way. This kind of situation is inadmissible when you have someone there who is supposed to be a sound technician and who should be taking care of the whole thing. This is one of the biggest problems we must face. As a rule we are not even demanding, but it�s only logical that we like to be able of hearing every instrument and to feel them balanced, or else we can only expect musical instability.
But in general we have been having a lot of people watching our performances.

What should we expect for the near future concerning gigs, releases, etc.?

Currently we are working a lot, composing new songs to include in a next work that we are planning on recording until the end of the year, if everything goes well, of course.
Concerning gigs, we have a few in perspective, such as the MetalCova in Barcelos on July 9 with Cancer and other bands. And another in the centre of the country on July 17 together with Absurd, Infern�s and other bands, although it�s not confirmed yet.
We are going to focus on our work from now on and take every chance available to gather in our rehearsal room. Mature our ideas. Basically this will be our prime purpose:
the total identification of our essence.

Thanks for your replies, and good luck!