Interview with Belathauzer - 13 November 2003
Why did you return after so many years of silence? And why all those years of silence?

Why not? There has never been any sort of silence inside my head, neither in my amplifier. I always kept the fury burning on and on. But I had to retreat from all the metal and blackmetal circus that the scene was going into. And also personal reasons... I just can�t stand some kinds of thinking, or, could I say, un-thinking, that I even got to share at some times... Packs of wolving-sheep provoke my stomacity into utterly necropuking. I abhored, therefore I departed.
At a time when everyone was doing Death Metal bands and such, what led you to create a band like Bactherion and do that kind of sound? Is it true that there are unreleased Bactherion tracks?

Well, I can�t really answer to this question. Probably, at one hand, some of my influences, which included Hellhammer/Celtic Frost, Venom, Bathory, Necroschizma or Thormenthor, Possessed, etc. (but not only: also Pestilence, or Napalm Death, or the ace of aces Judas Priest, or WASP, or Dead Kennedys, or Motorhead, or many other musical creations raging out from many musical styles...)... Yeah, influences, obviously. And the never mentioned outstanding fact:
technique in a paleolithical stage.
There are some unreleased traxxx, yeah, but that�s how they'll remain... buried and forgotten!

Looking back, what is your opinion nowadays about the Bactherion demo, the Filii Nigrantium Infernalium demo, and the mini CD?

I like them all. Someday they shall be re-released. They're all different, and I could point out any of them, some aspects... Well, one thing, trivial or anecdotal: I think that the 'Era do Abutre' miniCD has the bloody worst cover an album has ever had through the nineties.

What is the lyrical concept behind Filii Nigrantium Infernalium?

Grim darkness (TREVAS SINISTRAS), catastrophic skies falling on our heads... Chaos, blood, fire, death, poison and... anarchosatanism.

What have the reactions to your 7"EP 'A Queda' been like? I have read very good reviews. Have you secured a record deal by now?

Yes, very nice reactions, indeed. By 'Ancient Ceremonies' or 'Blast Magazine'. We're planning things, yeah.

What's going on with the band right now? What will the future bring?

Now there are some new and not-so-new bastards playing their guts and entrails out of their rotting souls for the god Infernalium: Helregni on bass, Arno Maalm on drums, Andremon crushing his sixxx strings axe. And, as always, my utterly humble person, Father God's most dedicated Son. December 13th we'll be playing in Algarve, Loul�, Bar Satori666, along with two other bands (Teasanna Satanna and Sortilege). It shall be an absolute mayhemic and anarchosatanic act, in which we'll return to the stage war at the service of our spiritual leader: Satanchrist. I'll dedicate it to the Pope's splendid spirituality - hail the pope! He is the true white aryan european traditional pure Ubermensch... The Super-Pope, our shepherd.
(and, obviously, we'll infect the breeding air with total METAL, old and new tracks...)

You have always had guest musicians from Moonspell in your releases and even in some gigs. Is this
collaboration going to continue in the future? What do you think of Moonspell's return to a heavier, more Metal, sound?

Cool, cool. Colaborations are never planned, this is a work-in-progress act.

What bands have you been listening to lately?

Judas Priest, Rob Halford, Judas Priest, Rob Halford... And Morbid Angel, Slayer, Venom (their latest albums - "Resurrection" and "Cast in stone" - are total kick-ass anthems!!). You know, the metal aces.

You did some pretty extreme live presentations during the nineties. What can we expect concerning future Filii Nigrantium Infernalium concerts?

   Exactly the same kind of stuff, in sound and vision. Well, not exactly the same stuff: we're some years older than we were then, so this will be... vintage, like old alcohol. We intend to reach Gods heaven and Satans Hell and make them burn, burn, burn ...
We're looking forward to meet some metalians and watch them burn too.

Why have you had so many members coming and going? Do you think you have a stable
line-up now?

I can't say... now we have a strong line-up. Anyway, I never paid tribute to stability patterns, nothing in my life is regular, so I don't care. This is Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, an autonomous creation. Totally.

What do you think about the Portuguese scene these days, when compared to the old days? Any bands you particularly like?

Well, I loathe the nationalist (any degree of nationalism makes me sick, it's pure sheep shit) and fascist/nazi tumor that has been taking on the scene through these late years. So I don't give a fuck about the "scene". I won't tell no names, no bandnames I mean. They won't get any more publicity from me. We are an anarchoblackmetal band, that's one thing that sets us apart from the rest of the metalheads (not "metalminds", I must specify) that join "satan" and "fatherland" and "conceibe" mental thrash alike. FREEDOM is my first law. Satan (=freedom) is above any flag or god, nation or dogma. I like some bands... but I'm not into the scene, as I tell you. The last band I listend to were Teasanna Satanna, five or six auditions in a row. Cool, original and ironical. Oh, I forgot, my favourite portuguese band: Drakkar. But as I told you, I'm not quite well informed neither updated. Unfortunately, I guess. I like Simbiose (crust) and recently I watched Neoplasmah live... really powerful.

Thank you for your answers. I hope Filii Nigrantium Infernalium to go on doing its own brand of Black Metal for a long time to come!!

Yes, So do we!   Thanks and keep the flame burning: rock hard, ride free!!

Photos by Pedro Cruz