Interview with Perverter - December 2003
Why did you decide to form Deep Odium?

Deep Odium was formed in the winter of 1999 in a casual meeting between Abhor and myself, having Abhor invited me to form a band and try to exorcise our fucking ghosts. Also from the initial formation still resists the drummer Angel Corpse and we embraced in our trenches Malum Sepulcri and Deamoniorum, both from Mortualium. For more detailed information come to our site at

How do you define your music?

Our official definition is Perverse Black Metal as we have some sick minds and our songs always point to subjects dear to us as fucking the dead, throwing rocks at some retarded concepts usually spit out by our religious friends and stuff like that�

What have the reactions to your demo 'Tetrae Tenebrae' been like?

Incredible!! Despite some mistakes and problems with the final mixture our demo sold out in a first edition launched in a gig at Satori666 and is still selling by what I hear. Now you can still find it at or [email protected]

How did the chance to release a split live DVD Come up?

Well, we were scheduled to play in a large festival in Satori666 sponsored by M.L.A. (Musica Livre do Algarve) on this past 30 of August, but by various reasons it turned out to be only us and another band called Arachula to play. With them came the one who is now our manager, Lord Idimmu, prepared to record Arachula for a future DVD and he offered his services to record our gig and make a split, offer that we gladly accepted.
So what's new with the band? What can we expect for the near future? Do you have a label backing you up by now or are you going to release the mini CD yourselves?

Now we are finishing our mini-cd �Mortem�, recorded again with Bob Sneijers (ex- In Tha Umbra and Deep Odium and mentor of the explicit ultra violent grindcore band, Fungus) still without the support of a label but with distribution assured by Lost Sound Records, also property of Bob Sneijers. Also ready to come out is a new DVD � Trough the Gates�� that will include an informal interview with the band at our rehearsal place, the full concert in Satori666 recorded last 25 October, our presence In the final of a contest in Cabanas de Tavira and a slide show with photos from different concerts in which we played. Later we will do a video clip in support to our mini-cd and try to play it everywhere we can.

What is your opinion concerning the Black Metal scene in Portugal these days?
Any bands you may be particularly into?

I think we have some brutal bands playing all kinds of Metal, not only black Metal but all genders inside metal for many of us have that voracious worm that consumes and desecrates our fucking minds, allowing us to see beyond the common population and distinguish feelings and thoughts from �noise and screams�. Concerning bands, I do appreciate some but I will speak no names for every band contribute to our metal scene and deserve no less credit.

And what about the scene in the Algarve region (where you're from)? I always found there to be a special vitality there, what do you think?

Amazing, from our behalf we continuously keep getting surprised by Algarve bands, always playing with extreme quality in all genders (we will be politically correct and say no names, see the sites in the last question for full information). Also, the audiences have been great, supportive and true metal listeners, and the hordes are still growing. Our thanks to them all!!! 

What is your lyrical concept and what inspires you?

Our lyricism comes always from fucked up thoughts and desires that emerge from our poisoned minds and souls, inspired on the bottom of a bottle or from the tail of a joint. Read them and take your own views from them.

You have been playing a few gigs lately. What have your live experiences been like?

Extremely nice in terms of audience, we have some faithful friends that rarely miss a gig and even when the public is different we have had some surprising reactions. For instance, we have been invited by the member of a hardcore band to play in a festival with other four hardcore bands. Well, this sounded to us a bit strange, especially as he had never seen the band playing live or listen to our sound but when he said that many non Black Metal listeners talked about our stage performances and how they liked the attitude of the band, we could not be more satisfied and that�s
fucking great!!!

What has been on your turntable, CD-player, etc. lately?

Today I have been listening to some Dimmu Borgir, yesterday some Behemoth, the day before Marduk, tomorrow who knows� for my soul only feeds on Metal!

Thank you for your replies, best wishes!

Thank you and your site for being there for Deep Odium and all Metal bands. You above all deserve to see your credits recognized, for few people would have the will and the patience to accomplish this useful metal diary. I would also like to recommend to all your site readers the following links for further information about Algarve Metal and beyond: