Interview with Ravenmoon - 9 September 2003

May I ask precisely what the musical background of each member of Arcane Wisdom is?

Saluts at Nekrometal. Well, concerning myself, I�ve played the guitar and been deeply into all aspects of music for quite a few years now, mainly at home. I only accepted to join a band when Walpurgis Nacht invited me, and I think I did my best to push it some steps further. Later foreseeing that things weren�t going to work out as planned, I decided to leave & design my own project from scratch 0. As for the other members, Andr�/ Sethlad was the original bass player for SiriuS and, later, Before the Rain, besides other musical endeavours; Daniel/ Hammer V was also quite known for his work (mainly) with SiriuS and Rui/ Esacuriat had been involved in an early act called Sandman, besides crafting his own music and instruments.

Are you happy with the line-up you currently have? Have you managed to achieve the line-up you were aiming for in order to start playing live?

Well, the line-up on both our releases was, I think, absolutely top-notch and that was one of the main factors of the whole sound turning out so well. As for live-performances, AW now has the necessary solid line-up, which will rehearse in following times with that in mind. Featuring a new drummer, bass player and 2nd guitarist. Everyone is both an excellent person and musician and I feel that is the best one can aim for.

I have read some great reviews of your work in foreign webzines. Were you expecting such high praise? Are you satisfied with the music you managed to create?

Ah� to tell you the truth, media-praise was not unexpected, because I�ve been for so a long a music-devotee (other than solely a musician) that the reason which pushed me to make my music known and improved by these talented people always had to be putting out something really special and not just being one more addiction to the exhausted list� Fortunately, I can say that both media and public who listened to AW have appreciated it quite a lot. Plus, an open mind is required in order to fully enjoy all aspects of AW�s music & oddly enough there is a lot of non-metal folk into AW. I just think - considering what we�ve accomplished and that it comes from Portugal - there could be more support from bands, zines & labels.
I�m so far greatly satisfied with AW�s music, although of course there�s always room for improvement. Boundaries need and will be constantly pushed.

I believe Arcane Wisdom more than a musical project is also a vehicle to convey a message. Am I right? What are the main influences, musical and otherwise, that help you shape Arcane Wisdom�s art? What is the band�s lyrical concept?

It�s a bit hard and personal for me to explain AW�s concept. I think the best way for people to experience it is through listening to the music while paying special attention to the lyrics (an aspect I feel is somewhat neglected by the public in general). The work and soul I put on the music is also valid for the lyrical aspect, otherwise I would only write instrumental music. The main influences are I guess everyday life, the things that make me stir, being relationships, various arts or even traveling. I think the negative feelings are more emphasized in the lyrics, as I hold a depressive view of what surrounds me, but also a way of escapism is suggested. And the main way to escape is probably the music, or as I like to put it, the
soundscapism. AW�s music is quite visual, and I think you can experience a rollercoaster of emotions while listening to our sound, ranging from the most surreal, psychotic and aggressive to introspective moments of true melancholy, an aspect which will ever be present.

What are your views concerning the current Portuguese Underground scene? Any bands you particularly admire?

I must admit my knowledge of our �scene� is somewhat precarious, probably because what I�ve heard is often not very appealing; I respect though what some bands are trying to achieve mainly through playing live regularly and promoting their music in a non-supportive environment. Although not being an adept of Portuguese music in general, I can name M�o Morta, Rodrigo Le�o or Madredeus as (bigger) acts that interest me, as well as some traditional music. Metal-wise, I used to enjoy what SiriuS did, early Moonspell or some Thragedium, besides Walpurgis Nacht. More recently, Daniel�s S.inD.R.omE. also has the possibility to go far. For me, the main aspect for our countries� music to rise has to do with musical evolution and the widening of the spectrum, which is something we do but seldom hear round these parts. Some people just get too stuck with making �trve� BM or such that has been made quite more remarkably for many years ago.

What is going on with Arcane Wisdom at present? What may we expect for the near future?

As of now, we�re trying to organize things again back from holidays. Meaning having to arrange for a rehearsal time again and trying to get everyone together there� The other important aspect is concerning the edition of the EP. We still haven�t found a decent record deal and that�s something that will have to be arranged briefly, we hope, so as not to stagnate. Unfortunately, quality, innovation and media-praise in music doesn�t necessarily mean a record deal in the day$ we live in�

How do you see the future musical evolution of Arcane Wisdom? Since you�re playing a very experimental sort of Avantgarde Metal or something, where are you willing to go? Any new avenues you plan on exploring?

Tough one there, eheh! I guess the path of exploration leads also to the palace of wisdom, and that is one path I mean to never lead astray of. I�m always thinking of new aspects to include and new ways to exploitate. I can�t really tell you right now what will be done on a future effort, although I�ve written a few things already. More traditional instruments will be included (courtesy of Andr� V & Rui), in unconventional ways, as well as weird electronics. The main axis of magic is the melody, be it in the vocal line or in the instruments, harmonious or entirely dissonant, and that I reckon will never be lost.

What bands have you been listening to lately?

Well, I listen to a LOT of entirely different stuff and am constantly searching for more and more sounds. During this summer, main acts on my player were Porcupine Tree, Opeth, Killswitch Engage, Green Carnation and Nevermore. And Ulver, as always.

Thank you for answering my questions! Best wishes for your remarkable project!

Thank you for the interview and support of AW: projects such as yours are of true importance. We hope to have our latest EP spread over the Earth in the least time possible. Cheers all and do keep checking our official website on as well as our IUMA spot on