Infernüs were formed in 1999 by Blasphemator (vocals), Nihilum (guitar), and Impur (drums). In December 2001 they recorded a promo-tape called 'Ódio Infernal' that they released through Purodium Rekords in October 2002 in a limited 333 copies edition. December that year they invited a bass player to play live, Nygurean (guitar player in Majestik). But the following month the place was taken by Maniacus (guitar player and vocalist in Coldblooded). The ensuing gigs allow the recording of their following release, a live tape entitled 'Álkool, Kaos e Destruição' that is released in 2003 in a 50 copies edition. In December 2003 Impur leaves, being replaced by Bárbaro (the drummer of Coldblooded). One year later four new tracks are recorded and released on Xmas day as the tape 'Suprema Profanação', limited to 666 copies. At the same time Purodiom Rekords also releases a split live tape with Infernüs and Coldblooded. Currently, the band is playing live and preparing to return to the studio.
Last updated 26 February 2006