Contact Me
If you want your manga, writing, or artwork on my site just send me an e-mail and in a couple of days it will be up here! I would really appreciate it if you would follow some rules just to make my life a little easier. :p
My E-mail address is, [email protected],
I use this one the most but I also have
[email protected] whatever one you want to you it dosnt make a difference to me. Oh yah if you have msn chat you can talk to me but ill only add you to my list if its on [email protected]. I have to many on my other account.
1. Please e-mail it as an attachment
2. Put the section of the site as your e-mail subject
3.Give any information that you want to show up on the site. (e.g name/nickname, title...what stuff you like) ill make you a little author profile.
4. Tell me if you want your e-mail on the site
5. Please dont steal other peoples work! Only give me your work...unless you give that person credit...thats ok.

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