Suns & Shadows

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Suns & Shadows, authored by a lady named Kaylienne, is a manga art site. The site looks simple and straight-forward and doesn't jump out at you with a lot of eye candy.

Checking out the manga art galleries, I find that there is a rather nice collection of manga pics, some of which I have not seen. The pics are free for the taking...all that Kaylienne asks is that people set up a link to her page.

The galleries popup in a new window, which is a nice touch, but you have to right-click and open the links to pics in a new window in order to see them.

There are a number of other things to do at this site. There is an information area with very good articles on each of the senshi. There are links to other sites Kaylienne has done, a help center, a Naoko tribute page, fanfiction pages, and more. The only thing I have noticed that was annoying about going through these pages is that an Angelfire popup appears right in the middle of the screen extremely often, which is why I mention it.

Overall, Suns & Shadows is a site that is well worth the time spent visiting. It looks as though Kaylienne has not updated the site in a while, which is unfortunate, but that sort of thing happens, and is not unexpected in the changing world that is the Internet.

Artemis' Score: 8.2

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