
Shabon Speaks

Shabon Speaks is the result of a class project undertaken by the site's author to create a magazine or film. The author, whose online nickname is Pera the Fruit, decided to do an online magazine, and she wrote a few articles related to that. Those articles have been revived in the form of content for Shabon Speaks.

In terms of presentation, Shabon Speaks is presented for the most part on one screen. The graphics are simple, but nice-looking. The page is adorned by a nice picture of Sailor Mercury, and the site's navigation is set in a box on the left side of the page, and that's where the content loads into the page.

The content of Shabon Speaks truly sets it apart from other sites. I have often preached in other reviews about the need for a website author to bring a personal touch to Sailor Moon content, to be original, and not to repeat the same worn information that can be found on almost any other Sailor Moon page in existance.

Shabon Speaks is an example of what I am looking for when I preach about this. There are articles about the author's opinions of each Sailor, each Sailor is paired with a tarot card in another article, and there are some views on some other things related to the series, including a version of The Matrix using Sailor Moon characters.

Not a whole lot was put into throwing a lot of eye candy on the screen on Shabon Speaks, and this shows. Here, the content is the central focus, and to a point, that's a good thing. However, in addition to continuing to treat us to more opinions about Sailor Moon, if there was something to improve, I'd advise Pera the Fruit to beef up the graphics presentation. Another thing I'd consider is moving the site to a place where there aren't as many pop-ups. Normally I don't comment much on pop-ups, since they aren't the fault of the website author, but the pop-ups that ambush the user when the site opens, or when a new page is spawned get annoying after a bit.

Shabon Speaks is definately a page to check out, and it's one that has a nice future ahead of it.

Artemis' Score: 9.2


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