Knife of Silver

Purin-chan: :O I'm getting rid of stress here! ^_^ It's nearing Halloween so everyone should be expecting weird, freaky stories coming from me.


She was alone now. Well...except for him.

She had seen everyone else die one by one. Gourry, Sylphiel, Amelia...

She really didn't expect Zelgadis to be the first to leave her forever.

She had attended each of their funerals, giving every one of them a good-bye spell that would protect their souls forever.

After they left her she would lie in bed alone, refusing to eat or socialize.

That was until he came along...


Her eyes shot open the second she heard his voice. "Dear Ceiphied please don't say it's him..."

"Lina-chan..." She felt his arms circling around her waist from behind. She tried to struggle, but years of not moving made her stiff and fragile.

There was only one explanation for her still being alive...

"Hmm...what happened to my dear Lina-chan?" She could feel his breath warm on her cheek. It was rather pleasant actually...

He continued by kissing her neck and caressing her cheek with his right hand. She let out a soft whining sound.

"'ll be over soon."


He turned her head in order to kiss her lips. She felt herself get so lost in the warm embrace, she allowed her eyes to close...

The last thing she saw was a knife of silver glowing in the moonlight, but by then it had already been too late...


Purin-chan: Hmm...just a short story from me ^^. Be expecting tons of dark fics about Xel/Lina from me around this time. ~.^ I told you, it's nearing Halloween.

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