If only…

Disclaimer: Bla bla bla. Bla bla bla bla bla bla. Bla!


Lina Inverse…
Who knew that you would have such an effect on me…?
My thoughts and dreams involve only you and no one else…
Why does my chest ache so when I see your loveliness before me?
Why? Why? Why???
Your eyes…those crimson eyes of yours…they capture me and hold me in your essence…
I’ve never felt this way about anyone before…
Could it be what you humans call…love?
That’s impossible.
My kind don’t know the feeling of love.
…Or do they?

That smile on your face as you look at your closest companions.
That smile that you never gave to me.
I hunger for it.
I hunger to feel your lips against mine, to feel the love you never had for me…
The love you will have for me when I take you.

You’re so quiet and beautiful when you’re asleep.
And the best part is that you don’t mind me being here beside you.
Perhaps eternal slumber shall solve this problem?
I couldn’t do that to you…
Would you mind if I just kissed you gently right now?
Your lips are soft and warm, like the gentle caresses of the wind.
Is that…
A smile?!
My dearest Lina, did you just smile for me?
What is this new feeling I have now?
It feels…somewhat…nice…
Oh if only I could be here with you like this forever!
But this moment will be ruined once the sun rises…
If only I could stop the sun…
But that is impossible…
As impossible as the idea of you loving me…
If only…
If only I had the chance to tell you…
If only I were human…
But that is fate…
And fate has never been kind to me…
But still…
I believe now that I have fallen for you, my dearest Lina…
Perhaps I may tell you someday…
And perhaps I shall feel your lips against mine once more…

(Author's note: If you haven't figured out who it is, I'll tell you now ^^;. Xelloss desu.)

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