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Who can resist him? I sure can't!
Barker (Baker), Akugi, Yogurt, Koinu
Age: 17
Other Anime/Manga:
Full Metal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, and all kinds more! I just have too many loves ^^ In the way of video games, I like Kingdom Hearts and I love Tales of Symphonia!
Welcome to my humble.....uhhh...webpage ^^ lol. Konnichiwa Minna! I'm Akugi, the Hiei-Obsessed! *clutches Hiei plushie tightly.* *blinks* So what are you doing here anyway? *sweatdrops* Hehe yea, I forgot that I'm supposed to talk abut myself.. Well, come my fellow Hiei lovers and hear the tale of myself and my love for Hiei! ^_^
As for myself, I love anime. n.n hehe I also love to write, draw, and make computer graphics (dolling, banners, backgrounds, etc). I read a lot (including manga hehe) and I am just a quirky down to earth person. I'm helpful and love to do things for others. I work hard in everything I do and I just try to enjoy life as much as I can ^^. I'm going to work hard on this site so everybody can enjoy the wonderfulness of Hiei and Kurama! ^^
So what makes me love Hiei so much??? Lol a lot of things..I love his look and aura. His hair is so cute with that starburst! It makes you just want to pet it! ^^ I also love his prescene, the soft arrogance he holds. Stubborn but yet kind, innocent but yet so hurt and him being so cute doesn't hurt either! ^^ *sigh* I am a lot like your typical fangirl and find this bishie gorgeous, but there's that personality that draws me to him. A personality that wants me to let him cry on my shoulder and a personality that wants me to jump on him and squeeze him to no ends! lol Hiei-chan! I love him to death n.n *squee*
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