My name is Keith Richard Camps.  I have nothing to write. There is no reason to write. I�m supposed to be writing a biography. But I do not want to. I have no goals other than out living everyone else.  Currently I go to high school at William Floyd high. I do not like public school. Public school teaches nothing. It is all about a social hierarchy.  Jobs are not awarded based on skill.  But rather on political connections and financial influence. In the end it matters not on what you have learned in school but rather on what friends you have. Thus forth this project has no bearing on the real world. There for I see no need for me to complete it.  However it is required for me to complete it though I wish not to. This supposedly leaves me no choice. This brings us to the question of what is choice. I would define choice but this computer does not have a dictionary. I wish it did.  Now I cannot continue my rant. I am unhappy now.  This computer should have a dictionary program.  It is an important thing to have.  Many people cannot define all the words in the English language. It would be very cool if I knew all the words in the English language.  Then I would try to learn every word in every language. Well I guess I have other goals after all.  I�m running out of things to say. If I run out of things to say. Then I would be saying nothing, and nothing is bad. I think this is bad because it would be quiet, and quiet is bad. So I will try to keep on talking. Talking is noise, which is good. Good being the noise of me talking. Which I will try to do. Noise is important.  I do not know why it is. It just is.  That being good.  Good being the thing which is good. This rant is now getting big. Which is good. Good being the rant. This I believe is my biggest rant I have typed. I wonder how many words I have typed so far?  It must be at least one word. I also believe this rant describes me better than a biography. I must be crazy.  Crazy being either bad or good.  I think it is good.  Good being the crazy. I wonder if I should hand this in to the teacher. That being bad. Bad being the handing in. my spalling iz bad I think. Bad being the spalling. Rants are fun.  Fun being the rant. I see a pattern do you? YES NO (please select one). I hate school. School being the thing of hating. I have thought of another goal. This goal is to take over the would with psychotic pineapples.  This I think would be fun. Fun being the taking over the world with psychotic pineapples. ;) Muwa ha ha... .  .   .     .

Ha. I have laughed.  The laughing being good. Good being the laughing. I am going to try to make this rant fill this page. Filling the page with rant being good. Good being the rant filled page.  I wonder what other people think of this rant? I should ask.  What do you think of this rant? (           
                             ) Please fill in answer here thank you.   That answer is good.  Good being the answer. Spell check is good.  It fixes errors.  Good thing to because I make a lot of errors. Those being bad, the errors I mean. This page is too big. That is what I think.


I thought.  I do not now what I thought. But I know I know I thought something. It was something that I thought. I wish I knew what it was. Maybe I should think of something else. Think���..

I couldn�t think of anything. Oh well. Maybe next time. It is near the bottom of the page. THE END IS NEAR. REPENT SINNERS. THE END OF THE PAGE IS NEAR. QUAKE WITH FEAR. That was fun. Fun being what ever that was. What it was I do not know. I wish I did. I think I can finish, I think I can finish, I think I can finish.  I am very near the end. I can see this page flashing before my eyes from beginning to end. This is how I know the page will end not only that I can see the b
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