That's my handwriting, by the way...  ^^;
Neko Hii-chan... Photoshop material
Lark Dragon clip... Inked.
This is my personal site:
Red Feather Freelance Graphics!

I'm Kelli, also known as Keri (my Japanese name). I'm newly 15 and I've got a whole hell of a lot of plans ahead of me. I'm very artistic, and that's why I just love anime. Not because it's an art form (animation IS an art form), but because it's different. The real world is way too boring, and that's why I hope to become some kind of animator one day. So... I naturally fell into doujinshi and manga hobby!

I base most of what I draw up and edit in Photoshop or in watercolor on Gundam Wing: one of the most meaningful animes out there (of course I'm biased, moron. --;). Dragons are also main subjects for my art.

Questions? Comments? Flames? Toss 'em all to Keri

"Holy spandex shorts, Batman!" ~ Tamii
"Spandex: It's Twap-tastic!" ~ Tamii again
Kouryuu - my original doujinshi-in-the-works. ^^
My other not-quite-doujinshi:  Ashu(New Species) Revolution.
one red feather... My Gundam Wing fanfiction and multimedia site two red feather...
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