Rules/How To Join…….


Okie, here are the rules:


Please send the submission form AFTER you’ve put the link up on the site!!

You don’t have to have a site in order to join Kawaii Clubs!.

There is NO limit to the number of clubs that you can join.

**Please remember……..this is a web Clique.

Your site can be about anything……but please tell me if it’s a hentai site! (There ARE limits to this: No child porn, etc, etc……)




How To Join……..


First, put up the code.  Here it is:


<p class=MsoNormal><span style=’font-famiy:Papyrus’><A HREF=””>Kawaii Clubs!</A>~***~Proud Member!<o:p></o:p></span></p>


Once the code is up, email me here and give me these things:



Site: (if you don’t have a site, you can still join…..just skip this part)

Site URL: 

Short Summary of What Your Site is About: (Warn me if it’s hentai!!)

Page that the Link Shows Up:

Email Address:

Clubs That You Joined:


And that’s basically it!  Ja ne!


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