hahahahahahahha!! thought it was gonnna be black didn't you!!! fooled ya!!!
It's me!!!
Current Anime News!!
lately I've really been into Hana Yori Dango..this series is awesome!!! WAH!! the romance is sooo sweet...Another thing I like about this series I thin is that it's very realistic..the characters are very human and you never know what's gonna happen next... my friend and I are planning on getting the whole series!!! we already have vol 1-5 and vol 9.   WAhhhhhh........I even have a HYD desktop theme. sooooo cute! it has a great opening song too!!
Flame of Recca!!!   whahahhahhaha!! my friend Kitori is heads over heels for this series and I like it too!! not as much as HYD though. gomen, kitori.  sadl, I haven't found very many good links for this series....that's why my Flame of Recca page is a bit lacking...if you know of any ..please e-mail them to me. We're laso getting thsi whole series......we're very close only 4 more volumes..........
Mega- CON!!!!!! 2001!!!
I'm planning my fieldtrip to the Megacon......and looking for the money for it.......  ^_^;
CollegeI have got new classes...they aren't very bad....I just am now spending at least 4 hours on Sat. every Sat.  on campuse doing my Drawing Fundamentals I -homework that's after 30 min drive there and back....  Yes. Satan is my art teacher. but darn it!! he can draw! who would of thought Satan was an artist?
I'd rather be drawing anime.  ^^;
Why do they have to make history books soo boring? is it like a requirement???
*slaps her head on to her history book*
die evil!!! die!!! 
Wahhh!! my speech is coming soon I'm giving a speech on Anime as part of Japanese Culture.  I'm thinking of posting it in my Japanese Section when I get done.  There are soo few good Anime/Japanese culture sites!! I will be posting the ones I found in my Japanese section soon hopefully! I have not worked on that section of this website in too long!! >_<. YES!! I'm in college and I live with my mom!! it's sooo much cheaper. and I don't have to do the dishes!!

I'm working on several comic story ideas now....I never finish them though!!! *sigh* I jumpa back and forth between them.  maybe I will post one one day.  (but don't count on it.)
I have an addiction...now.  Especially to You Higuri's art work...I know I'm gonna get yelled at but her work is sooo much more pretty that Watase Yuu's!  CUTLASS!!!!  *hugZ her Cutlass manga* It's gotten soo bad- that I have to take it everywhere with me..at least one manga.
Something..nice has to keep me from falling alseep in class.
wahhhh!! I've become sort of obessed with this as well. I order some new bookies.
It's soo bad I can't go anywhere with out a blank piece of paper and a pencil somewhere on my person.   I'm hopeless...but damn! I've improved!
Copying is the best way to learn!!  really it is.....
I can see the improvement....finally maybe I can actually draw my characters...there's not many htings more annoying than having a character in your mind's eye but not being able to draw them!!   >_<  Maybe I'll post some of my images some day...as soon as they aren't embrassing anymore.
I'm trying to find a website online that sells tonal sheets for comic book drawing if you know of one that is reliable- PLEASE e-mail me!!!!
Translating!!! and learning Japanese!!
I just bought a Japanese Kanji Dictionary for like 30 bucks!!  Looking up the Kanji for Fushigi Yuugi has kinda gotten me hooked....I adore my Kanji Dictionary. 5 stars on Amazon.  Plus- one of my favorite- ok the current favorite- manga I like (CUTLASS!!!!) hasn't been fully tranlsed...so I'm trying my hand at it.
ok ok ok. I begged my friend, Inori-chan, to do it for me..but now she likes Cutlass or at least Tsubasa..the blonde beauty.  hehehehhehe...my plans are working..If you're wondering where those Manga links are...they're sitting here- lost on my mom's desk.  I've been busy with FY soo much I haven't had time to send out a search party.  Plus mom gets mad if I fuss with her stuff.....heehehee....
RYO-OH-KI!!!! *grrrrr* My lovely car. and Yes- I named it after that cute cabbit in Tenchi Muyo.  She was overheating and I had to take her to the shop. 150 bucks!!! to get her fixed!! *cries* there goes my MegaCon money. Ryo is mad at me for planning on going without her. I guess I could take the plushie along. *ponders this thought*
Last updated:
Feb 4 2001
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