Cursed Form Section
This is the page for all the unlucky characters who fell in, and were cursed by the Springs of Jusenkyo, China. (above)
Ranma Saotome
When splashed with cold water, Ranma turns into a red-headed, buxom, female version of himself. As you can imagine this makes life increasinly difficult for Ranma, as he is now chased by both males and females who are infatuated with him, or just wanna kill him. lol. Ranmna first shows up female in the series when he is fighting in the rain, in Nerima with his father. (who is in panda-form) Its raining, which explains why they are in their cursed forms. Akane first meets Ranma when he is a girl, and they have a small fight. Ranma wins of course. Akane says that shes glad hes not a guy, because she couldn't stand to lose to a guy. Akane discovers Ranma is actually a guy in a incident in the bathroom.
Genma Saotome
Genmas (Ranmas Dad) cursed form is a giant panda. Unlike most of Jusenkyos victims, Genma doesn't seem to mind his half as much. Well, who wouldn't want to be a cute Panda who is free to laze all day long. Then again, thats pretty much all Genma does anyway. Genma has been often mistaken for a real panda and adopted, or sent to zoos. Of course most of the time Genma leads himself into these situations on purpose.
Ryoga Hibiki/P-Chan
Ryoga was knocked into Spring of drowned black piglet when he followed Ranma to Japan. However, the girl and Panda who knocked him in turned out to be Ranma and Genma.The Jusenkyo guide found him and nearly made him into sweet and sour pork! Ryoga has many reasons to hate ranma, and this is one of them. So, now Ryoga turns to a cute little piglet with a splash of cold water. When Ryoga first turned up as a pig, it was in Akanes bedroom. Akane soon adopted him and named him 'P-Chan' or 'Pig-Cute'. Akane doesn't know that P-Chan, who sleeps in her bed is really Ryoga. Ranma has dropped huge hints, but Akane doesn't seem to get the message.
Shampoo because cursed when she went back to China to do some training, after finding out that Ranma Boy-type and Girl-type were one person. Shampoo becomes a cute little siamese cat. Too bad Ranmas phobia is cats. Shampoo first appeared as a cat when she mailed herself to ranma from china. However, shampoo can become very useful to get ranma to do his 'Cat-fu' attack, where he becomes almost invincible!
Mousse fell in 'Spring of Drowned Duck' while in Jusenkyo. No wait, he WALKED into it. Mousses's cursed form is a white duck with glasses. As a duck he is able to hide weapons, such as knifes in his wings. He also has the ability to fly. And swim I guess. Shampoo still finds him annoying as a duck, but she often helps him out of tight spots.
Pantyhose was baptised by Happosai in the spring of drowned Yeti riding a bull carrying a Stork and an eel. (Or something like that!) This was because Happosai helped her with her birth. Unlike most of the other cursed characters, Pantyhose actually likes his cursed form. He later returns to Jusenkyo to add Octopus tentacles to his mixed monster form.
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