Chris-o Suave and Skip-o Suave.  GQ wants them for a shoot, but they're afraid it might negatively reflect on their ultra-suave image.
The most relaxed pose of the entire wedding.  Ahhh ... This is nice.  Think we liked it a little too much - this is how we spend much of our free time lately - expcept on the couch - not the steps at the front of a church.
Daddy's moment.  Also the moment at which Chris and I both had sudden realizations of reality (that we had thought we were already in full realization of).  And I thought it wouldn't feel real until afterwards!
Nothing quite like bubbles.  From left to right:  Jen, Anthony, Cramer, Carson, somebody's arm, Sammy (or maybe I should say 'Sam', but he's always been Sammy to me and it just sounds wierd the other way).  Hanging around outside the reception.
More Bubbles!  Wohoo!  And me in my crown (which was supposed to bug Mom, but didn't really have the intended effect)  Oh well. From left to right Robin, a piece of somebody's bosom (sorry ma'am I don't recognize that part of you), Courtnie, mom, yours truly, Sherry, and part of Angel.
...And the man better known as 'Bubbles'.  OK, not really ... this is Marc (better known as 'The Ulinator') -- I just thought it would be fun to call him Bubbles - especially since he's in a different state and is too fond of laughing at me to beat me up.  Luv 'ya Bubbles!
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