All About Xray Xray!!


Hero or Villain?


  • Training - Northeastern Illinois University
  • Magnificent Feats - The abilty to finish a pint of  Ben and Jerrys faster than a speeding bullet.
  • Vulnerabilities -Rice Pudding♥ Nutella♥ Pie ♥
  • Secret Skills - Arguing in Turkish and locating phone booths for spontaneous wardrobe changes

My alter ego enjoys; Going to the movies, relaxing,eating and, working out all I've eaten, at the gym. Researching new tech gadgets and gizmos is my M.O, though my use and knowledge of technology varies depending on the software and need. Remaining true to myself,discovering all that life has to offer,and travel are on my agenda, oh and keeping the streets safe.

Where to find me

Secret Lair✕
123 Wayne Metro Daily, Gotham City, KS (312) 555-5555 Email