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Earl "Obi-Wan" Henderson

As Earl Henderson "Obi Wan" was growing up in Houston Texas his dream was to become an Air Force fighter pilot. After graduating from Texas A&M with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering and a commission from ROTC he entered the USAF. During his 28 year career he has flown six different single-seat fighters and acquired over 3,000 hours fighter time, including 300 hours combat time in the F-105D gained during a 100 mission tour out of Korat AB, Thailand.

He served in multiple stateside USAF ACC bases and two tours in PACAF at Korat and Clark AB. He is a veteran at Nellis AFB, the Home of the Fighter Pilot, with two military tours totaling over 20 years, plus an additional 11 years as a civilian contractor.

He is a highly decorated combat veteran with a Silver Star and six Distinguished Flying Crosses. After he retired from the USAF he founded AVTECH in 1997 and since then his leadership and military knowledge has been used to help the Air Force be a better war fighting machine.




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