Dan and Christie�s Wedding

�Twas the night before the wedding
And all through the house
Items lay scattered and piled on the couch.
The computer was humming and the telephones rang�
While family and friends wondered how the weather would hang.

Blizzards on the prairies at 30 below
White out conditions�driving is slow.
Airports were closed and flights are delayed�
This could interfere with wedding plans made.

With snow in Vancouver, the traffic is stopped.
Cars in the ditch and ice on the road
Makes wedding guests nervous�they hate being towed.

Dave and Jana arrive at Sunvalley�
The key doesn�t work, but he doesn�t dally.
Taking only a moment to first blow his nose�
Climbing the ladder to the attic he goes.

In the pitch darkness, he swings from a board�
Drops into Nate�s closet, just missing his sword.
In spite of all this, the wedding will be�
Dan and Christie are ready, �Mr. and Mrs.� to be.

Guests start arriving one at a time
In clumps and in dozens, they�re forming a line
To witness the marriage of Christie and Dan�
A day filled with joy throughout all the land.

May Christie and Dan be happy in life
Stand close to each other�a loving husband and wife.
May the joy of their home always shine very bright�
Touching hearts and lives through a cold winter�s night.

And to all our wedding guests who have witnessed this sight�
We wish you Merry Christmas�and to all a Good Night!

Written on Dec. 15, 2000 by Neil Loewen
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws