Issue #3
Our story begins with Neil going to Watson Elementary, the school that served radioactive meatloaf to his younger brother, Nicholas. Of course, this radiation succeeded in giving him super powers. And so, Nicholas followed in his brother's fumbling footsteps and became Orange Crushkid. The two go to test their powers at Clyde Middle School, and they're followed by Brittany, who makes a brief cameo. But what does the keychain that Abashed Blue gave to her at the end really do, and does it serve some more important purpose?
Title: Crushkid Origin!
Length: 13 pages
Date Completed: November 7, 2003
New Characters: Brittany
Returning Characters: Neil, Nicholas, Orange Crushkid, Abashed Blue
Advertisement: Save the Sally-Manders!
BG Info: I made this comic to give the origins of Orange Crushkid, one of the teaser characters from issue 2. This was also the first issue to have an advertisement on the last page, which was given to me by Brittany herself.
Little Stuff: There isn't a whole lot of little stuff in this one... Ah well.
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