Issue #11
It's Spirit, Soul, And Mind through the eyes of the once-normal kid, Owen Jones! Follow him throughout his days, as he gets an all-new keychain, reads people's minds, drops down to the dark lair of Anti-Red Bandit, almost gets hit by a random semi-truck of doom, and even has enough time for school! All the questions of Part I answered, plus much much more! See who's behind the glasses of Anti-Red Bandit in the conclusion of Spirit, Soul, And Mind!
Title: Spirit, Soul, And Mind (Part II)
Length: 13 pages
Date Completed: November 10, 2004
New Characters: none
Returning Characters: Anti-Red Bandit, Abashed Blue, Orange Crushkid, Owen, Awesome Dude, Brittany, Neil, Taylor, Grey Eidolon, Petite Rose, Power Fli, Laser Livewire, Hobo
Advertisement: Talibran
BG Info: This is the second part, and I expected a lot of people to want to know what happens, so I got this one done as fast as I could. This is the last plot-builder issue, so I put a lot of effort into it, especially the last page.
Little stuff: The advertisement got a lot of laughs, and when the comic first came out, I ran out of ink. No good for me!
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