Issue #1
Title: A New Beginning
Length: 12 pages
Date Completed: June 11, 2003
New Characters: Neil, Simon, Abashed Blue, Owen, Ilyana, Nicholas
Returning Characters: none (it's the first issue, genius)
BG Info: This comic is actually a reproduction of an earlier work. The only major changes are the fact that Abashed Blue has a new costume and Nicholas looks different. Also, Simon and Ilyana aren't present.
Little stuff: Note the keychain around Nicholas's neck... That was an accident, but can be seen as a teaser to hint what will come in future issues.
Meet Neil, a pretty much normal 13-year-old boy. After returning home from school, he receives an invitation to view the demonstration of a new supercomputer. He gets there, only to find that no one else is present. So he uses the computer, which quickly explodes in his face. The resulting radiation gives him superpowers, thus inspiring him to throw together a costume and become the crime-fighting hero known as Abashed Blue!
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