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My sister and I have been interested in miniatures for several years. Unfortunately we haven't progressed much beyond the "buying" stage. However, we did find some interesting items at IKEA and are working on room settings in some of them, and a miniature barn in one of them.

These little acrylic "potting sheds" were mentioned on Tiny Talk, so I thought I would post some photos of the ones we got in Houston. Warning, we just placed some items inside to get a sense of whether these would work for miniatures. They are not actually to 1" scale, but could be adapted. They will probably work best as a greenhouse or something similar, but we are trying something different. Click on any of the images below for a larger picture.

This is the "potting shed". We are making an artist's studio/craft room.

Another view from the top. We put in the "brick" floor. The original floors are a white peg board.

These are the new models - three stories!

A side view. You could put the taller ones back to back for a peaked roof.

This is my harebrained idea - I'm working on one side of a stable. Plan to put two together with an aisle between for a stable.

Here's another shot of the stable. Got a saddle rack up but the dressage rider has to go up the mounting block to be able to put her saddle up. The other gal is feeding the horse carrots. Soon I will have a customized model of my horse to put in this scene.

Good News - Our "glass" houses are now inhabited by Sammy Smith's Young Harassed Mom. Note: Sammy Smith's web page is Happiness is... Photos aren't great, but look at her in the studio and in the stable.

For dolls of a different type, see these photos of pipe cleaner dolls made by our Mother some years ago in the manner of the ones she made for us when we were children. And to see some really cute dolls [not miniatures] see these great Flapper dolls made by our Mother this year.

One good link for miniatures is Jaye's Mini Links.

Two Sisters
[email protected]
Date Last Modified: January 2001

since November 29, 1999 revision

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