Save the Grandview Cut.. A Neighbour's Perspective.


Mr. Owen,

Liveability & Property Value
I am one of the property owners adjacent to the Cut who will be
drastically affected by the  proposal to run SkyTrain down The Cut then on
to the Finning lands. This project will have a permanent, devastating
effect on the liveability and property value of my home.

Current Public Transportation Inadequate
I am a "bus person". I do not own a car. I do ride the bus to work at UBC
each day and am all too familiar with the dangerously overcrowded and
inadequate public transportation system. This proposal will do nothing to
ease these conditions.

Air Pollution & Road Rage
I am a Go Green Coordinator at UBC concerned about the serious problems of
diminishing air quality and Road Rage. I encourage UBC staff to park their
cars and use public transportation. This proposal will not get people out
of their cars and onto public transportation because it is a SkyTrain to a
vacant lot.

Why Was I Not Consulted?
When the City planned a bike path on my street, they advised me well in
advance by mail; and gave me details on how to express my concerns or dissent.

When the lot  across from me was bought for redevelopment, the City
advised me well in advance by mail; and gave me details on how to express
my concerns or dissent.

When we wanted lighting and curbs for our street we had to circulate
petitions and obtain signatures from a majority of owners. We did so

Why was I not consulted about this far more devastating, expensive,
pointless development?

Why are you rushing to push through this far more devastating, expensive,
pointless development without public consultation, business plans,
financial plans, seismic surveys, environmental reviews?

Whom does this project serve?
I am shocked and appalled at the bypass of public consultation and abuse
of public funds for absolutely no gain.

When can my neighbours and I (200 citizens at this writing and growing
quickly) meet with you to discuss this situation?

I would appreciate your reply as soon as possible. The fluorescent orange
surveyor's marks on my sidewalk are causing me considerable distress.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Janis Hanen

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