First English Test

1. Write a short paragraph using all the contraction that you learn in unit one and two. Also is important to remember that you have to use the verb to be, numbers and personal pronoun.5 points.



Llamada ovalada:  

Hello                           Hello

Llamada ovalada:  

My name is Neida.  What your name?

Iīm   is Luis.

Hello Luis. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too, Mr. neida.

Where are you from?

Iīm from Venezuelan.

Whatīs your  surname?



B-R-I-C-E-Ņ-O .

Whatīs your phone number?

My phone number is 2532952

How old is Luis?

He is   30 years old.

Good night!

Good night!


2. Send to me all the exercises that you resolve in the ebook. 10 points.

Unit  1 Greeting

 1.1  hello!

 Hello. My nameīs  (Neida).

Hi! Iīm  (Mariana).

Nice to meet you

Where are you from?

Iīm from Venezuelan.

Complete this conversation

 A: Hello. My nameīs Angeles. WhaaaaaaatĻs your name?

R:   Iīm Randy.

A: Where      are you from, Randy?

Iīm from England. Where are you from?

I’m from      Spain.

 Where are they from?

1.- His nameīs Seaan Connery

            Heīs from Scotland.

 2.- His nameīs Pierce Brosnan.

          Heīs from Ireland.

 3.-His nameīs Ronaldo

Heīs from Brazil.

 4.-Her nameīs Claudia shiffer

Sheīs from Germany.

 5.-Her nameīs Brigitte Nielsen.

Sheīs      from Denmark.

 6.- Her nameīs Salma Hayek

Sheīs from México.

 7.- Her nameīs Monica Belluci

Sheīs    from Italy.

 8.-His nameīs Antonio Banderas.

Heīs from Spain.

 9.- His nameīs Gerard Depardieu

Heīs from France.

Write     am, is, are, his,   her     in the spaces 

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What is your name?
  3. My sister  is    from Peru,   her     name  is        Sandra.
  4. My   brother    is       from China.    His       Name    is   Hung Lo.
  5. I am    from Scotland.

 1.2           Numbers

 Itīs computer

Itīs Hamburger

Itīs  camera.

Itīs  sandwich.

Itīs television.

Itīs hotel

Itīs  football.

Itīs  radio.

Itīs pizza.

Itīs  photograph.

 The numbers

1 one  2  two, 3  three,     4 four, 5 five, 6 six, 7 seven , 8 eight, 9 nine, 10 ten

 Match the words with their  correct answers

 1.  Where is Sao Paulo?

Itīs in Brazil.

 2.   How much is it?

Itīs     38 dollars.

 3.   Whoīs your favorite singer?

Bono from U2.

 4. How old are you?

Iīm 38  .

 5. Whatīs you phone number?

2532952 ( two-five-three-two-nine-five two).

 6. Why  are you happy?

Itīs Saturday night. 

7 How are you?

Iīm beautiful.

 The alfhabet


 1.- n-a-m-e.



4.- v-i-d-e-o


6.- s-a-n-d-w-i-c-h

7.- h-o-t-e-l.



10.- t-el-e-v-i-s-i-o-n



  1. U-s-a.
  2. U-n
  3. B-b-c
  4. M-t-v
  5. F-b-i
  6. Y-m-c-a
  7. R-s-v-p
  8. a-m
  9. p-m
  10. u-k
  11. e-u
  12. e-g

Unit II. Places

 Talking about seasons

 1.     What are the four seasons of the year?

      Spring, Summer,Autumn and  Winter.

2.     Is pring a warm season?

Yes, itīs.

3.     What is the coldest season  of the year?

    Winter is a cold season.

4.     What is summer like?

      People enjoy sunny days by the beach

 5.     Is summer a hot season?

    Yes, itīs.

 6.     In what season are days dark?

     In Winter season.

  Answer the question about your country.

 1.     Which months are hot?

    February, march and april.

 2.     Which months are cold?

November and December   are cool.

 3.     In which months does it rain a  lot?

     Rains in  june and  july

 The weather

 a)      Itīs foggy.

b)     Itīs  windy.

c)     Itīs  sunny.

d)    Itīs raining.

e)     Itīs snowing.

f)      Itīs  cloudy.


1.     Whatīs the weather like in London?

Itīs cold and raining. 

2.     Whatīs the weather like in Buenos aires?

Itīs hot and sunny. 

3.     Whatīs the weather like in Milan?

Itīs cool and cloudy. 

4.     Whatīs the weather like in Sydney?

Itīs boiling.

 5.     Whatīs the weather like in Los angeles?

Itīs cold and foggy.

 6.     Whatīs the weather like in Montreal?

Itīs freezing and itīs snowing.

  7.     Whatīs the weather like in Madrid?

Itīs hot and sunny.

 8.     Whatīs the weather like in Glasgow?

Itīs cold and windy.

 Months of the year 

 Ordinal numbers.

 ·        6th       Sixth

·       7th        seventh

·        9th      ninth.

·        10th  tenth.

·        16th       sixteenth.

·        20th   twentieth

·        22nd    twenty-second.

·        23rd   twenty-third.

·        30th   thirtieth.

·        42nd  Forty-second.


  1. 6th September 1966 (6/9/1966).
  2. 21 st january  2003 (21/1/03).
  3. 13th may 2004  (13/5/04).
  4. 3rd june 19999  ( 3/6/1999).
  5. 5.30th march 2005 (30/3/05).


  1. en  mil novecientos cuarenta y siete.
  2. hace cincuenta y tres aņos.
  3. en Julio.
  4. el uno de julio.
  5. hace cinco meses.
  6. en un Domingo.

  Answer the question below.

 When is your birthday?

Itīs on January     the  5th.

 When is motherīs birthday?

My mother is on july.

 What date is today/ tomorrow?

Today is june the twenty-nine th.

Tomorrow is thirtieth.

 What date was it yesterday?

Yesterday was twenty.eigth.

 When is the next holiday?

Itīs on august.

 When is the end of term?

Itīs  on july.


 1.      Is Leo an engineer.

No, he isnīt. He is a mechanic

2.      Is Tom a mechanic?

       No, he isnīt. He is a fireman.

3.      Is Sam a fireman?

      No, he isnīt. He is a  computer programmer.

4.      Is John a veterinarian?

      No, he isnīt. He is photographer.

5.      Is Marisa a teacher?

      No, she isnīt. She is a secretary.

6.      Is Carlos a dentist?

      No, he isnīt. He is an artis.

7.      Is Leo an engineer?

     No, he isnīt. He is an engineer.

8.      Is Peter a secretary?

       No, he isnīt. He is an teacher.

9.      Is Paul an artist?

      No, he isnīt. He is teacher.

10.  Is Louis a computer programmer?

      No, he isnīt. He is a veterinarian.

 a.       doctor.

b.      Nurse.

c.       Hairdresser.

d.      Police officer.

e.       Film director.

f.        Pilot.

g.       Actor.

h.       Waiter.

i.         Shop assistant.

j.        Manager.

k.      Dentist.

l.         Lawyer.

m.     Housewife.

n.       Dancer.

o.      Engineer.

p.      Receptionist.

q.      Secretary.

r.        Mechanic

s.       Farmer.

t.        Flight attendant.


  1. A waiter washes tables.
  2. an actor kisses actresses.
  3. a teacher speaks to students.
  4. a secretary takes notes for a manager.
  5. a nurse help a doctor.
  6. a pilot flies a plane.
  7. a farmer works in the fields.
  8. a ousewife works at home.
  9. a dancer loves dancing.
  10. a mechanic works with cars.

  Use a /an where is necessary: 

  1. My sister is a nurse.
  2. He is a policeman and his wife is an engineer.
  3. She is a good musician.
  4. What an expensive car!
  5. A Travel agent would give you   an information about  a reservations.
  6. It is a pleasure to do it.
  7. He drinks wine three times a day.
  8. He broke an arm in   a skiing accident.
  9. A hour.
  10. Iīll pay you a thousand a month.

 Countries and nationalites. 

  1. Heīs from Peru.
  2. Whereīs he  from?
  3. her nameīs joe.
  4. Itīs pizza.
  5. Weīre from Brazil.
  6. Heīs a footballer.
  7. He lives in a flat.
  8. He wants to learn English.
  9. Itīs a computer.
  10. Sheīs a student.

Where are you from? Write the countries according to these nationalities. 

  1. spain.
  2. Italy.
  3. America.
  4. Mexico.
  5. Brazil.
  6. Scotland.
  7. Argentina.
  8. Portugal.
  9. Ireland.
  10. Japan.
  11. Peru.
  12. Columbia.
  13. Chile.
  14. Bolivia.
  15. France.
  16. Greece.
  17. Holland.
  18. China.
  19. Switzerland.
  20. Canada.
  21. Venezuela.
  22. Denmark.
  23. Australia.
  24. Sweden.

3. Write a short biography about yourself. 5 points.

My name is Neida Briceņo, I was born January five in Barinitas, state Barinas, modern city and big poets' cradle. 
I act as coordinator of the Library "Andrés Eloy Blanco" in the University "Ezequiel Zamora in Guanare, where I live at the moment. 
Two children's mother, Luis and Miguel twelve nine years old respectively. 
Applicant to the I title of graduate in Information and Documentation of the University Yacambu. 
Guanare, is the capital of the Portuguese state, spiritual capital of venezuela, agricultural city of big rivers and plains that ennoble her.


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